Monday, January 21, 2013

Aluminum Chef

Watching Iron Chef is a favorite pastime for my family. Over the years we have been confounded, entranced, and inspired by the wide array of culinary prowess. My Dad and youngest sister, Em, are the main devotees to Food Network and the glories it holds. This year I have decided to challenge myself to attempt one new dish each week. In honor of my beloved Iron Chef I have named the blog posts related to this goal, Aluminum Chef. Aluminum is both durable and malleable, on this journey through the kitchen I hope to embody both. However, there will be no secret ingredients as I am a novice at best when it comes to cuisine.

In the words of the chairman, "Allez Cuisine!"

This week I have started off simply with a crockpot roast. To save cooking time I bought beef loins in small sections that would fit with all my veggies.

-beef tenderloin (pre-cut)
-small potatoes (cut into fourths)
-5 medium carrots (peeled and cut into one-inch segments)
-2 small onions (peeled and sliced)
-1 packet of instant gravy
-1 cup of water

I pre-mixed the gravy before adding everything to the crockpot. I set it to low and waited 3 hours (I stirred every 30 minutes just to ensure even cooking). I love how low maintenance this was.

In the future I would have used 2 packets of instant gravy or I would have used 2 bottles of Guinness beer to enhance the flavor. The only issue I could take is that the meat was a little dry because there wasn't enough sauce for it to soak in. Adding either extra gravy or substituting with the beer would alleviate that problem.

Overall, the meal was juicy, tender, and fulfilling. Not a bad start to this dinner challenge. 

I would love any suggestions or tips from those of you in the kitchen who have more experience! Also, if you know of any delicious, somewhat healthy recipes that I should try out please add in the comments section!

In honor of the chairman I feel that Aluminum Chef needs its catchphrase as well. I'll stick with French:

Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup
(Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly)

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