Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy Turkey Day!

Often the focus of Thanksgiving is the delicious food or what sales you might find on Black Friday the following day. I can't recall the last Turkey Day that I set aside a moment to truly ponder the reasons I am thankful. This year has been filled with challenges and blessings and I have decided to use this blog and this moment to appreciate everything I have to be thankful for this year.

I graduated college! That alone is worth plenty of thanks and praise. I have a job; it is part-time and not my dream job, but it pays the bills. I am thankful that my parents are helping me during this transitional time in my life. I can't imagine the stress of having to take out loans or work multiple jobs. I am thankful for my amazing family. Everyone of my family members are loving and always there for me. I love that they are extremely funny and keep my spirits high. I don't laugh anywhere as hard as I do in Dyersburg, TN. My friends are also another thing to give thanks for this year. I have some of the greatest friends in the whole wide world.

Another reason my heart is abounding in thanks this season is because of my growing relationship with God. I have a solid relationship with Him and it is continuing to grower deeper through each trial and tribulation that has come my way. For the first time in my 23 years I am placing my trust fully in Him in ALL areas of my life and the contentment I feel is evidence of that.

I am also thankful that it is GLORIOUS basketball season and both my Lakers and Blue Devils are starting their seasons of well. I love when there is a game on almost every night of the week. I think one of my favorite sounds of all is sneakers against a gym floor. Their rhythmic shuffle is nice to listen to as I fall to sleep snuggled deep within a cushy blanket.

There are many other things that I am thankful for, but for time and space sake I will leave the list as is. I am so grateful for the ability to celebrate this holiday surrounded by the people I hold dearest. I wish everyone out there a wonderful and Happy Thanksgiving!
