About Me

Hi Everyone! Welcome to my attempt at the blogosphere. I am a goofy southern girl, born and raised in Tennessee. I am rarely serious and love acting silly and downright juvenile. Basketball is my favorite sport and I am a proud and avid fan of the Duke Blue Devils and Los Angeles Lakers. My other passions include reading, writing, music and art.

Right now I am a 5th grade teacher at Cason Lane Academy. I work with a fabulous team of people who encourage me and make me laugh on a daily basis. I am so thankful for how fortunate I am with my job. I am content to reside in Murfreesboro unless the wind blows me in another direction. Ultimately I want to live in the South the majority of my days so I can be close to my friends and family.

Speaking of family, I am the eldest of four girls and couldn't survive without my hilarious sisters (Sarah, Hannah and Emma). I have the most precious nephew in existence named Elijah aka Booski who lights up my life. A gorgeous giggle bot named Leah aka Leah Longtoes is my niece. Evan (Sarah's hubby) has excellent taste in music and movies although his athletic tastes are less than to be desired. Pops and Mom are the heads of the gang and unbelievably supportive!

I really enjoy writing and this format provides some structure and direction to always be improving the craft. The majority of my posts are going to be silly and about my life, awkward moments and random encounters. I hope to amuse you and put a smile on your face as I am happiest when making others laugh or smile :D

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