Anywho, "I'm shaking the dust of this crummy little town off my feet and I'm gonna see the world," as George Bailey in It's A Wonderful Life so emphatically phrased my exact feelings. Don't worry, I won't require a near death experience to make me realize that the town I'm leaving isn't that crummy. But the second half rings true. I am going to see the world.
On a larger scale, I dream of traversing the globe until I croak at the ripe age of 98. While I still have my original hips, I aim to sight-see all over Europe as I backpack there one summer in the near future. Also, I want to set foot on every continent at least for a little bit. My parents definitely passed down to me their love for travel and adventure.
As far as a permanent residence, I am pretty much open to living anywhere in America or any English speaking countries. I hope to have someone to share it with, but I am content in my current single state. Looks like I have spent a majority of this blog discussing travel options and not one bit of it delving into my ever so interesting psyche. So to make up for lost time here is a list (23 items on it of course) of things you, the random reader, should know about me:
1. I LOVE three things: Dr. Pepper, Los Angeles Lakers, and Duke Blue Devils
2. House of Heroes is one of my favorite bands
3. Favorite Disney movie: TIE between Sleeping Beauty/Robin Hood (the fox version)
4. I have 1 tattoo of a cross on my right hip
5. Johnny Depp is my favorite actor
6. Burping, I'm good at it (ask my mom she's not a big fan)
7. Reading is one of my top hobbies
8. Killian's Irish Red is the BEST beer in my humble opinion
9. Favorite joke: What did the zero (0) say to the eight (8)?
10. Albert Einstein is one of my heroes
11. Skinny jeans are the greatest invention in all of fashion
12. Photography is something I would love to be great at and I'm always practicing
13. Insecurities: Few, but one is being open and vulnerable around people. Lots of people know my goofy exterior, but very few know me well.
14. Bones broken: 1 toe (prolly shouldn't count, but it healed crooked and it's funny looking)
15. I write a lot of poetry
16. Secret Addiction (though not so secret any longer): Wizards of Waverly Place on Disney
17. Favorite sounds to fall asleep to: Rain and sneakers on a gym floor
18. Last time I peed my pants: 7th grade on the way home from a church trip, ask me to tell you the story sometime
19. Favorite Bible verse: James 2:26 (NIV version)
20. "Blackbird" is my all-time favorite Beatles' song
21. Best concert I've been at: Memphis in May 2009 w/ Shinedown winning of all the artists there
22. I have a number "thing" where I dislike certain numbers and can only turn the volume on my tv to the numbers I like. 22 is a number I dislike. It is gross.
23. Favorite quote: "Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything." -Mother Teresa