Thursday, November 29, 2012

Move Over Mother Teresa

Momma & I rockin finger staches
November, akin to any month, has many traditions and represents many causes. As a mustache adorer, what's not to love about No Shave November? Other important events include Election Day (this year),  National Novel Writing Month, and Thanksgiving. I value the rights and freedoms that men and women died for us to have and so every 4th November I exercise my right to vote. Writing is clearly a love of mine and November also holds Book Lovers Day along with promoting novels.

Obviously we all know and celebrate Thanksgiving at the culmination of this lovely month. Tradition holds that individuals think of reasons they are thankful during the time leading up to the giant feasts. This month I am challenging myself to give 30 people a reason to be thankful when they sit down to their turkey and mashed potatoes this year.

My favorite working his stache
Each year as Thanksgiving rolls around I find myself extremely thankful for the vast amount of blessings in my own life. But this time I want to focus on others and how to make their lives a little bit better and give others a reason to smile and be thankful this holiday. November has 30 days and so I am going to do one kind deed every day this month.

If you know anything about me, you know I love mustaches, Einstein and Mother Teresa. I am inspired by the astute wisdom of Mother Teresa, "In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." This November I want to live out these words.

Day 1: Gave blood to the Red Cross - More than ever the Red Cross needs blood donations to counteract the large quantity of cancelled blood drives and to aid those affected by Hurricane Sandy

Day 2: I volunteered to work at the Fall Festival of the school I was teaching at during my internship. I spent my Friday night encouraging little kids at the ring toss and being silly with the other 5th grade teachers and my students. I think it is so important to show your students how much you care about them.

Day 3: I drove my intoxicated friend home at 4am. I helped convince him to not get behind the wheel of his own car. Any time we can take those few extra minutes to make sure someone gets home safe is worth it every single time.

Day 4: Bought a pair of TOMS Shoes - This organization has offered assistance to children and people in under-developed countries by providing shoes and eyesight based on their one-for-one program. I even alluded to my love for Einstein by purchasing a math themed shoe!

Day 5: I donated "kicks" to the Red Cross, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the AE Foundation and Live, Learn & Thrive. There is an app called Shopkick for the iphone that lets you earn kicks anytime you shop, enter a store, or look through deals for a store. The earned kicks can be converted into money to spend at stores, the gas station, or donate to worthy causes. I decided to use my kicks to give money to the Red Cross and to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy.

Day 6: Exercised my right to vote. Men and women have dedicated and sacrificed their lives so we have the opportunity and privilege to participate in our electoral process. Don't waste their efforts by being too lazy or apathetic to educate yourself and help make a difference. I also brought donuts to the volunteers working the polls this morning as a thank you.

Day 7: Donated clothing and books to Goodwill to help those in need. Goodwill's mission statement summarizes their intent, "Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work."

Day 8: I stayed after school with some sweet tunes and a smile to clean and organize the classroom of my cooperating teacher. This is a really simple and easy way to show him that I appreciate all he is teaching me and how he welcomed me into his classroom.

Day 9: Have you ever had a teacher who changed your life for the better? I have. Mrs. Teresa Willis was my 2nd grade teacher and she inspired me on many levels. In her classroom she encouraged reading and creativity and celebrated my personality instead of being angry at me for who I was. I thrived in her classroom and she is a large reason why I want to be a teacher today. I wrote her a personal letter thanking her for everything she did as a teacher.

Day 10: Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful organization. I decided to spend my Saturday volunteering on one of their construction sites. Habitat gives families homes, but more importantly they provide these families with hope. I installed siding on this home, trimmed dry-wall, helped create the foundation for concrete steps and more. I actually worked with a woman who was getting a home of her own soon!

Day 11: My roommate and I had a dinner date tonight. I won 10% off the meal at the restaurant we went to and shared it with him. I also offered to drive. I know it is trivial, but sometimes just being the person to drive is a nice gesture.

Day 12: Donated a flock of chickens to a family in an underdeveloped country. This is made possible through Heifer International whose mission is to eliminate hunger and poverty around the world. This gift is inexpensive to maintain and provides food and a source of income for a family in need.

RJ & Bur
Day 13: Duke basketball is a huge love of mine and I took a  roadtrip with my 2 best friends (Bur & RJ) to Atlanta to watch my beloved Blue Devils play. (And yes they beat KY...just saying) Since my friend drove I opted to pay for our event parking. I was sure to thank Bur for driving and let him know I was appreciative.

Day 14: Today I had a hankering for Krystals and so I used my lapse in dietary restraint to perform another act of kindness. I paid for the couple in line behind me at the drive-thru. Only cost me $6 but having been on the receiving end of the drive-thru donation I can attest that it boosted my spirits and I hope it did the same for the couple behind me.

Day 15: Another teacher at the school I work at was going through the lunch line and was $0.50 short of the amount she owed. I gave her the extra so she wouldn't have to walk all the way back to her classroom and out to her car to find the change. It is really simple things like this that we can contribute daily. A simple kind gesture can go a long way.

Day 16: I held the door for several people behind me after school. This was one of the easiest ways to be nice and is something that almost everyone can do on a daily basis. I love simple acts that can put a smile on someone's face.

Day 17: I Walk. I Give. To Help Kids Live. This Morning HB (sister) and I walked to help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude is an integral part of the West Tennessee community and does so much to help children. I spent a couple hours in the cold so that the important mission of St. Jude can continue to thrive.

Day 18: Clean the apartment. My roommate is taking a ton of hours this semester and as busy as I am. I am pretty neat, but he is relatively messy. I am going to clean the apartment and not mention it. The last part is the most kind. No one wants to listen to someone brag about doing something nice. I think the key element to successful giving is being silently selfless.

Day 19: Write a letter to my adopted soldier. Adopt A US Soldier is an organization that connects service men and service women to civilians in a pen pal format. Spending 5 minutes to write a letter or send a care package is a small way to thank those selfless and brave men and women keeping our country safe.

Day 20: I was at Walmart shopping and let someone cut me in line at the check out. They had fewer items and I had time to give.

Day 21: Food. Every holiday my Momma and little sister Em slave in the kitchen cooking up delicious goodies for the rest of our family. This holiday I wanted to let them have a moment to rest and enjoy the meal. I am going to cook for everyone in my family Wednesday night. This is a gesture that can cost as much or as little as you like and can be as quick or time consuming as you desire. The act of cooking for someone allows them a moment to rest after a long day.

Day 22: Happy Turkey Day! No one comes running to the sink when it's time to do the dishes. This is a chore that few people enjoy and I am going to take advantage of that. Getting my hands dirty while cleaning the dishes is an excellent application of Mother Teresa's quote. I helped clear the table and put away some left over food.

Day 23: Christmas came early and mi madre purchased an iphone for herself and my littlest sister. My mother is technologically challenged so I set up and showed her how to work the basic parts of her phone. I even added her the essential apps of facebook, email, ESPN, and cbssports. Now all she has to do is click the app, the passwords and settings are already in place.

Day 24: Sarah, my sister, is the mother of 2 adorable children and is an elementary school art teacher. Her entire life is surrounded by children. I am heading home for Thanksgiving break and decided to treat her to an adult night out on the town. (We are from a tiny town so we are limited) She really enjoys the Twilight series and her husband, Evan, would rather do anything else than watch those movies so I am going to treat her to dinner and a cheesy movie. A little break from the kiddos will do anyone good. And on top of being nice, I get the added benefit of hanging out with one of my best friends :D

Day 25: I brought the paper in when I got home so that when my parents woke up it would be waiting for them in the kitchen and neither of them would have to go outside in the cold to walk down to the end of the driveway to get it.

Day 26: Every year men and women selflessly stand outside in the elements and ring that little gold bell to help raise money for The Salvation Army. This year I decided to pause and drop some change in the bucket. Every little bit helps and this organization does so much good, why wouldn't they deserve my spare change?!?

Day 27: Heading toward my house tonight I was caught in traffic and noticed a vehicle trying to make their way into the long line of cars. I stopped and let them in front of me. This took literally 5 extra seconds, but saved that car from waiting for a while. It is the little things we do in our day to day lives that can add a smile to someone else's life and make the world a better place.

Day 28: Tonight at church a family was telling the story of how they were called to missions in Costa Rica and about the journey they would be taking beginning in January. This brave family of 4 are giving up the comforts of home to live in a small home with electricity only 4 hours per day. The church I attend was taking up a collection to provide them with a generator so they could have a refrigerator. I donated a few dollars to help this giving family have a small comfort in their new environment.

Day 29: There are 4 girls in my Reading Intervention group and we completed the book Earthquake Terror today, which they all strongly disliked. I don't blame them it was super boring, but I came in after the book was already selected so I had no choice, but to see it through. Today I bought each 5th grader a notebook for them to have and write in during this class period. I asked their favorite colors and interests so I can buy ones they will like. I also used this information to pick out a book they might enjoy more during our next reading.

Day 30: The Nashville Rescue Mission is a wonderful organization that I have had the pleasure to work with before during a benefit concert at Rocketown (also an amazing place) during an internship I had there. When I opted to do kind things I knew that the Nashville Rescue Mission would provide ample opportunity. I chose to work in their soup kitchen tonight and serve homeless men. I wanted to do some service where I was dealing firsthand with individuals needing help. I think putting a face to a problem makes it more real and helps anyone to want to do more.

"In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." I repeat this Mother Teresa quote to summarize this November. After spending 30 days doing kind things for others I found myself looking for nice things to do throughout the day. I also realized that it is extremely easy to find ways to be kind. I encourage you to challenge yourself to one deed of kindness a month and see how much happier you become; to that I can attest. I'll leave you with several quotes by the selfless woman who inspired this journey, Mother Teresa.

"It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters."
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one."
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Zombie Love Story (Part 5)

The fight had left both men exhausted and they opted to call it a day 2 miles from Austin. Since there was nothing but Highway 193 in both directions the two had no choice but to sleep out in the open, back to back, and take turns on watch. Before crashing Jeff offered, "Hey man it's a cold night, let's treat ourselves to a warm fire. We could both use a boost."

"Sounds good dude," Skyler chimed. They guys sat around the fire and spoke of better days.

"This reminds me of one summer in Montana when I was felling logs. Me and my buddy Josef were on this long job and our supplies had run low. It was mid-December and we got caught in a snow storm before we could make it back to base. We had to huddle at the base of this tree. We knew it was risky to start a fire, but that little bit of warmth bro made all the difference." Skyler reminisced. A look of sadness crossed Skyler's face before he cleared his throat and continued, "Anyway, the fire's a nice touch. I'm glad we have one."

"Yeah," Jeff contributed, "Hopefully this can become a routine when we reach the army outpost in Austin. Let's get some sleep."

"Hey Jeff..."

"Yeah Skyler?"

"Have you ever been in love?" quizzed Skyler with a far away sound to his voice.

"Once," mumbled Jeff, "her name was Elise. Now get some sleep buddy. I need you strong tomorrow. I don't know what I'd have done without you today."

"Good night Jeff."

"Night Skyler."

The quiet crackling of the fire affected each man in his own way. Skyler felt soothed by the whole white noise and faded into sleep. Jeff, however, found his mind racing once more with thoughts of Elise. This time it was a happier memory and so he let those piercing green eyes lull him to sleep.

He had ran into Elise only one time after the debacle that was Florida. It was fleeting, but he clung to this memory. It had been a couple of months after he had returned home. At first he had avoided Mrs. Millie and the bookstore because of the torment it had caused him. One day on his way home from work he realized he was there as his feet hit the doorstep. He hadn't planned on going to the bookstore, but his body had brought him here so he took a deep breath and climbed the flight of stairs.

Mrs. Millie smiled, "Hello Jeff. It's so nice to see your handsome face around her again. I've missed our conversations and that delicious jerky of yours. Oh and I have a good book for you about WWII as well. Come on in and warm up for a spell."

"Thank you Mrs. Millie. You're the best. I've missed seeing you, too." Jeff responded. It was true, he had missed Mrs. Millie's warmth and was remorseful he had excluded the bookstore from his routing. Just as he was feeling at home again, he saw those emerald eyes and she took his breath away once more.

Elise was gaunt and her frame was wispy and looked as if a small breeze would send her sprawling. They locked eyes and that was all he knew for a solid minute. She looked trapped and as if she dreaded seeing him. How could this hollow figure be his Elise, his green eyed beauty, his heartbeat? They sat together for only five minutes before she left him just as deflated and lost as on the beach. She had ovarian cancer. That was why she refused his proposal, that was why she fled.

"I found out I had cancer days before our trip. The doctor informed me I had only months to live and if I was able to beat the 95% chance of dying I would never be able to have children. I couldn't let that become your life. I wanted to spend our anniversary together and have one last beautiful memory of you. I couldn't bear the thought of you watching me waste away. You are meant to be a husband and a father and I couldn't give you either of those things. I could only offer you death. I left so that you might find life with someone else." Elise blurted out.

Jeff just stared at her. The words wouldn't come.

"I will always love you Jeff." Elise whispered as she kissed his forehead, tousled his hair and was gone.

It was a solid five minutes before he realized she had left. The first death creature was sighted the next day and the emptiness she had left him with helped him to survive this world now void of life and joy. It was the only kindness that she had given him in the end. He relived that last kiss and the last time she told him she loved him over and over again. Each time he thought of what he could have done, should have done. If only he had spoken. If only he had followed after her. If only. . .

A searing pain jolted Jeff awake as he rolled onto his fractured left arm. It was a new day and the day Skyler and he would scout out a route through Austin. For the first time in years there was a glimmer of hope.

(to be continued...)

Read parts 1-4 here: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, and Part 4

Zombie Love Story (Part 4)

Fittingly they arrived at Sunset Valley as the sun gently graced the horizon and faded to dusk. Skyler suggested finding shelter within the local butcher shop. "There'll be lots of hooks, and metal tools we can use to defend ourselves. And the rancid meat should work as a natural repellent against the death creatures." It's good Skyler's focused thought Jeff as he heartily agreed to the plan. He needed to get his head on straight and put Elise and their memories behind him for the time being.

The butcher shop was deserted and the door to the back room was still able to be locked. Jeff and Skyler grinned at their good fortune. No windows and a lockable door, it was almost too good to be true. They decided to both get some much needed rest and be ready for the final leg of their journey to Austin tomorrow.

A crisp February morning ended Jeff's dreamless sleep. Skyler awoke to the sounds of Jeff donning his multiple layers. Skyler and Jeff made one last sweep of the butcher's shop for anything they might use and after grabbing a steel drag hook each, they headed for the door. Jeff led them around Sunset Valley and toward Austin with a clearer head and throbbing left arm. Both Skyler and he knew that the extra time it took to circumvent Sunset Valley was worth the minimized risk of not going straight through town.

Highway 193 was not as quiet leaving Sunset Valley as it was coming. Skyler killed his first death creature of the day with a meat hook through the ear and deep into the brain. Jeff killed the next two with his newly acquired meat saw and butcher's knife. They were stragglers though and didn't raise either man's adrenaline. As the afternoon sun warmed Jeff and Skyler through the biting wind, they were met with a challenge. A small horde of death creatures were milling about an overturned vehicle. Jeff counted twelve after a quick panorama. The vehicle must have crashed recently because it lacked the tell tell signs of corrosion.

As they neared the car, Jeff could see that the death creatures were devouring what was left of the passengers. Once death creature had a half-eaten arm with ligaments dangling from its mouth. Another was haunched over the lifeless corpse of an elderly man. Gruesome barely captured the scene that was unfolding. Skyler and Jeff looked to one another, nodded in understanding and strode forward to do their worst.

Walking parallel they reached the two death creatures making a meal of the crash victims and each put a meat hook through their eyes. Skyler broke left and faced three death creatures at once. He used the rope and ran a quick circle around the three before yanking the rope and felling the lassoed lot. Once on the ground he quickly hacked all three of their heads off before turning back to Jeff. Jeff broke right after hooking the first death creature and faced seven death creatures quickly encroaching.

The first death creature was met with a stiff uppercut and a butcher's knife through the underside of his jaw. Jeff was at a distinct disadvantage having his broken left arm splinted to his side. The next two death creatures were on him as he grabbed his knife. Jeff swiftly stabbed the one to his right through the eye socket. Using the lodged knife as a handle he shoved the death creature in front of the one to the left. This provided him with just enough time to wield his meat saw into they neck of the second death creature.

Skyler came charging past and slung his shovel into two death creatures in a row severing both their heads from their bodies. By this time Jeff had dislodged his knife and he drove the blade deep into the skull of the small of the three remaining death creatures. Skyler slammed the shovel broadside into the second, then third death creature. Jeff and he simultaneously stabbed each creature before meeting back to back and surveying the land. Observation showed that they had killed all of the death creatures. Skyler and Jeff both sighed in relief and went about gathering their weapons and repacking them so they could continue on toward Austin once more.

(to be continued...)

You can read the whole story from the beginning: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
