If I could tap into my brain's full potential, what would I do? I think I would first go to Vegas and use my newfound math skills to rack up lots of cash. Then I would use my new nest egg to start and build my own non-profit organization. I would be able to maximize efforts and use minimal amounts of donor funding. This would draw donors to my company and would effect major change globally. I would also give back to my family who has always been supportive. And I'd be a little bit selfish and travel the world.
As we continued talking about how great it would be, I began to think about a smaller scale. What if I could train my brain to use 21 percent or even just 20.3 percent? How much better would life be then? It wouldn't be drastic, but it could effect meaningful change on a smaller scale. A favorite bible story of mine is in Mark 12:41-44 when a beggar woman donates her last 2 coins to the offering plate. Jesus commends her because she gave what she had.
We wouldn't require NZT (name of drug in movie) if each individual gave a larger part of themselves or devoted more time to the betterment of society and humanity than squandering our talents on video games, blogs, television, etc. Not saying that distractions are evil and that we shouldn't enjoy some down time, but what if we took 3o minutes everyday and instead of using it to mind numbingly surf the internet, we devoted it to making ourselves smarter or helping others? I think we'd eventually be much happier and benefit numerous people.
All that to say, I have decided that after Lent ends (40 days where you give up simple pleasures to remember the sacrifice Jesus made in the desert and to rely more on God) I am going to attempt to improve myself. I haven't decided exactly how I am going to accomplish this task, but I am going to try new things, talk to people I would normally bypass, help people more, and just do other small things to make me and the world I live in a better place. Maybe I will eventually function at slightly higher than 20 percent brain power. Wish me luck!