Tuesday, June 7, 2011


God has a funny way of speaking to me when I get a tad bit whiny. Recently I have felt discouraged about love and have been complaining because I want a good man to share my life with and I seem to attract jerks consistently. That is just a brief backstory so you can understand that at 25, having just ended another relationship with the wrong guy, I am getting a little bored of looking for Mr. Right. With this mindset I have been throwing myself a small pity party and last Sunday night God reminded me of the things that really matter most.

I attend New Vision Baptist and I love Pastor Brady and his style of preaching. I highly recommend if you are interested in finding a church to visit this one. Plug out of the way, now onto the sermon that really struck a chord with me. Patience was the theme and this sermon was part of a larger series, Half of my Heart. The series is about giving God more than just part of us and what is easy and diving in fully. I love this concept and it is something I struggle with because I love to be in control.

Anywho, Brady mentioned a quote toward the end of the sermon, "People will either drive you crazy or drive you to the cross." I really like this because I think we have the opportunity to chose which direction we're heading. Patience is evidence of spiritual growth and a lack of patience reveals selfishness. Patience involves a change in perspective. These concepts ring a little blunt but true. I really love the idea of perspective and I believe that it greatly affects our individual outlooks on life. The closer we are to God the more understanding we will be and we will react more generously.

A few relevant bible verses that Brady listed are:

Max Lucado once said, "Patience is more than a virtue for long lines and slow waiters. Patience is the red carpet upon which God's grace approaches." Patience is a great moment to share about God's grace and love. People are used to those surrounding them being selfish and a bit self-absorbed, they will notice when someone displays patience. I think that you have to also be cautious to differentiate between being patient and being a pushover. I do not advocate letting someone walk all over you, but I do advocate being kinder.

I arrived at church Sunday night and laughed to myself when I read the sermon notes to see what the topic was. Anytime I get frustrated or discouraged, God sends me a message through a sermon, something I'm reading, an uplifting friend, or kindness from a stranger. He is always constant and realizing He is in control allows me to be more patient. Knowing that there is a plan and I can't see all the steps is hard for me to accept, but it means that even though I might not understand why I have to wait on certain things; God has a plan.

Whenever patience is considered it is only a matter of time before someone mentions Job. He lost everything, but remained patient and God rewarded him greatly. God rewards those who persevere. I obviously need to learn this lesson because patience and perseverance are the theme words of my life. James does an excellent job of explaining what patience achieves for us as followers. Everything always comes full circle and anytime patience is mentioned I think of my favorite quote by Mother Teresa, "Let nothing perturb you, nothing frighten you. All things pass. God does not change. Patience achieves everything."


  1. Hey Laura it's been quite a while; well it sure does feel that way to me. Sorry I didn't say goodbye or anything like that I've been away down south like Florida. I haven't been out west yet thats next month. Hey how about Lebron losing the championship game yeah I was cheering not because of Mark Cuban's team but because the "King" doesn't even have a ring yet.
    So I guess that one guy wasn't your shooting star hunh. Oh well he did look the stereotypical mean guy, he didn't hit you cause I know some guys just say the word.
    I don't think you should give up I mean yeah patience helps and maybe the wind will blow
    Mr. Whateverhisnameis right into you like a cool breeze on a hot summer day; who I am sure is looking for you he just looked in the right places yet. So cheer up you. A while back when you had those other "post" up the one about asking you questions, what happened to that did it get cut? I was going to post but my phone for some reason wouldn't let me I tried to google the problem, but I never could get to a computer until now. Well the next time I'll have my own list to ask you so be ready. Oh by the way when I was going to Florida I missed the last spaceship launch ever by two hours damn that would have been a magnificent sight, just like that moon a couple of days ago it was bright! Anyways cheer up and go somewhere beautiful and smile who knows "Mr. Right" might be looking at the same stars you do at night.
    Bye Bye.

    Anonymous ME

  2. Hi :D

    I was elated for the "King" to fail to acquire the elusive ring!! Now maybe next year our Celtics and Lakers will bring their A games and we can be even happier!

    Haha that one guy turned out to be a complete asshole and so when I realized who he truly was I said Adios. Haha No he didn't hit me, I don't tolerate that mess. But I appreciate your willingness to inflict pain had he done so! I haven't given up, I'm always hopeful and I know there is someone out there for me! I'm very optimistic!

    Yeah I don't know what happened to that Questions post...it just wasn't there one day lol...random. I look forward to your list b/c I love questions!

    How was Florida?!? Hopefully really fun and exciting! That sucks that you missed the spaceship launch...bummer town :(

    I'm so glad you saw the moon the other night...it was super red when I got off work and by the time I got to my friend's house and made a big deal about how cool it looked it was back to normal looking and I sounded a tad bit crazy.

    Haha You don't have to cheer me up I am genuinely happy 98% of the time and don't need a guy to be that way, but I appreciate your encouragement!

    Hope you are having a wonderful week :D

