1. He laughs hysterically at my feeble attempts to function and greatly enjoys the multitude of awkward moments in my life with an ever present smile that resembles the same grin parents give precocious toddlers who think they are ready to conquer the world.2. He constantly fights the urge to slam his head into a wall when he thinks about how frustrating I am due to my extreme faith in my own talents and abilities
Regardless of whether either one of these images is correct (although I'm rooting for #1) Jesus is consistently there and patiently guiding me along my path. My little sister Emma made her status this the other day:
You can't be something you're not. No matter how hard you try. But there is a reason for that. God made you who he wanted you to be. You are beautifully and individually made. You are YOU for a reason, now go change the world...your way, God's way.This really stood out to me and brought my attention immediately to the sermon I had heard this past Sunday evening. (God knows I'm slow so he sends things/answers to prayers my way at least twice so I catch them) The speaker discussed Ephesians 2:1-10. It related to the sentiment my little sister expressed. The sentiment that God created each and everyone of us with a distinct purpose in mind and that alone makes us special. To really give you a vivd depiction of the passage I have included the scripture (adding my own emphasis) in its entirety below:
"As for you, you were dead in your transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient. All of us also lived among them at one time, gratifying the cravings of our sinful nature and following its desires in our thoughts. Like the rest, we were by nature objects of wrath. But because of his great love for us, God, who is rich in mercy, made us alive with Christ even when we were dead in transgressions---it is by grace you have been saved. And God raised us up with Christ and seated us with him, in the heavenly realms in Christ Jesus, in order that in the coming ages he might show the incomparable riches of his grace, expressed in his kindness to us in Christ Jesus. For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith---and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God---not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God's workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do."That last verse clearly defines my very purpose on this Earth. My name is written in the script! Worldly achievement doesn't make me somebody. I am somebody because Jesus loves me and there is no honor greater that can be bestowed. I am already in the script because God wrote the script and wrote my name in their with love. He chose the part for me that made the entire play better. Instead of envying the lead roles and wishing a place among the stars, I should delight that I was included in the production. Each role is significant whether the audience is aware of it or oblivious to it. My problem is my pride, I want credit and glory and that is only temporary. Instead I should focus on how to make the script better and play my part as best I can. Emma's thoughts and this sermon really reassured me that I do have purpose. I love when Jesus hits me over the head with some knowledge!
On a lighter, slightly not related note, I definitely gave Jesus a giggle this week. I was in the hallway of a local school preparing to teach a lesson to a fifth grade class and I chose to utilize the few extra minutes before I went into the classroom to use the restroom and double check that I looked appropriate and presentable (it was rainy and windy and the curls can get a little unruly sometimes). I immediately walked directly to my right and got halfway to the stalls when I noticed the man at the urinal. That was definitely out of place and I made a u-turn and ducked into the side with pinkish-red colored walls and prayed I had not been seen. I was just glad it wasn't a student and I didn't have to awkwardly explain that I am an imbecile quite frequently. Needless to say it was not the relaxing moment I had intended before approaching a class of ten year olds. Also, it must be noted that this is probably the fourth or fifth time I have marched directly into a men's restroom only to be surprised by the amount of urinals. Jesus had to have had a laugh at that moment.
So whether He is helping me navigate the maze that is life and fulfilling my purpose or a simpler task of finding the correct bathroom, he is always there and for that I am thankful. He keeps me focused on the main objective and is fun to be silly with on the way.
What about freewill, Laura? As a truly omnipotent and good being, God could create beings with true freedom over God. Furthermore, God would voluntarily do so because "the greatest good ... which can be done for a being, greater than anything else that one can do for it, is to be truly free.“ Now I'm not at all trying to be a dick, and I know that I am not a good catholic. I'm also not saying what you or anyone you believes says are wrong, and what you're saying truly sounds beautiful it does. It’s just that me and others like me, I don't want to believe that, but if you sincerely do believe in this then good I hope your right. I just keep thinking that if life is predestined then why care, why strive to breathe a more righteous breath if we all end up were God wants us to be.
Anonymous ME
You don't have to be lead character because you already are, we all are. We just sometimes can never see it. In life certain people can connect with you and want to understand, that’s when you become lead. Sometimes being Average girl#23 can be great. Whenever you substitute, or teach I bet those kids are in awe at you. You’re showing them the way "leading them." You’re like the guide that can show others who are lost the way out of the mountain and into the valley. Your a beacon to some were all the other lights fade.(lotr, kinda) You’re not "just" another person you have your own story to tell and experiences with life to share. Sometimes other people will see the things you do when you are not aware of them; kind of like those respect commercials. You inspire others. They will wonder about you for a while and sometimes you will rub off on them and they try to be more like you, but really without knowing it they too are trying to be a better person in someone else's life. The same thing you do at school, I know how hard kids can be towards a teacher, I remember myself, but there were always moments I thought about that teacher and the ideas they spoke of. They left an impression within me. They at one point or another were the leads in my life, even complete strangers. Sometimes I would talk with complete strangers on the streets, because I wanted to hear more about them. I became interested and wanted to know what they wanted or thought about life. Even people who did horrible things I wanted to understand why they would do such things what compelled them, and what they thought about life. Every person I have met, spoke briefly with, or even looked a moment into their eyes they have impacted me, they were lead for the moment and I remember them. Not exactly their names but their ideas and thoughts that they left me with. Like when I read this blog of yours I enjoy the things you say, some of them help and others make me laugh. So know that you weren't "just" Average Girl #23 you were the lead here, and your lead other places too. I guess when your sister said, "You can't be something you're not. No matter how hard you try," she's right you can't, but that’s because you already are who you are.
ReplyDeleteYou can't be someone you're not ok, but you can mold yourself, right? I know this is a stupid example but here: say God has made all the materials for the clay; you are the clay. So God has made "you," and with freewill God allows us to make ourselves in this world, this Earth. With your hands on the wet clay and your foot on the pedal that spins the table you begin to form yourself. Your hands represent all of your choices and no matter how messed up that clay gets you can always go back and fix it. The table that is spinning represents the ever fleeting present. And the foot that is continuously pushing the pedal represents our lifetime on this planet. Say that you’re not alone and you are in a room full of people who are all the people that have affected you either directly or indirectly. They can help you sculpt yourself by talking and giving you ideas, but not actually touching your clay. Then there are walls which represent all the thoughts and ideas of all the people who have passed away, history. They can surely affect you. Then there is this gigantic window which could represent say the church maybe or it could be our thoughts about God. Then everything outside the trees, sky, and wind, everything outside is God. But God is everything inside also because all the things made inside had to be made from the things outside. Nature has always had an inspiring quality, and sometimes when I’m outside I think about life and God so I suppose, here, this outside can represent God. Say there is a door to this room that leads to outside. Pretend that just outside these doors is a patio and that we leave our finished sculpture there to dry. And of this patio I guess can be heaven. Like I said stupid example. I was just trying to show you what I was trying to say about freewill and that yeah we all are different.
ReplyDeletewrong, but I read you other post about you being down about life and wanting certain things I just thought that this was a response to that and you thought that you were been too impatient with life. I tried to post something there a couple of days ago and on the previous one about the snowball fight, but for some reason it wouldn’t let me. So I started a new Gmail and tried to tell you that way I guess that didn’t work. Then I just joined as a member to see if it worked well it did then I came back the next day and it wasn’t there. So I guess I won’t be as anonymous as I have been. I think I tried to say something about “When you want something in life, you just gotta reach out and grab it,” and it being cliché or whatever. I was trying here to say if you want certain things in life you got to go get it yourself it isn’t just going to blow past you. I know that you aren’t being idle either. I guess you work damn hard too so maybe life was getting hard. Maybe you were putting in and not getting anything back. Yeah, I know that’s happened to a lot of us. But I’m rooting for you and I’m damn sure other people are too. I guess this plays into your blog here about how God will provide, I don’t think God wants to cripple us by having our thought process be that “oh, well this is how God wans it to be.” Who knows maybe I don’t know anything, but I know I can take a guess, and hope that what I just said wasn’t stupid or ignorant.
ReplyDeleteThat’s funny you walked into the men’s bathroom. So the other times were you ever caught? I walked into the men’s bathroom in a restaurant one time and you know the table where you change a babies diaper at well their was a woman in their and she was changing the kids diaper, but I didn’t notice her until I was done at the urinal and was leaving I did a double take and we both were kinda embarrassed. I really didn’t care it was just odd that I didn’t recognize that she was there. I knew someone was there I just didn’t exactly look. But I never have walked into a girl’s bathrooms without knowing it, but that was funny. And yeah how do you think we get done in the bathrooms so quick more urinals means efficiency and speed.
Yeah you’re right that God and Jesus are always there to help us. That little voice in the back of our heads or that second thought when we are about to do something stupid yeah I get you there and yeah I do understand what your saying. Again I not trying to say you are wrong, and this is just my opinion. So If I completely missed what you are saying or that I am being a complete idiot please tell me. But I’d love to talk more about religion with you. I think that I said my father was in the seminary for a while before he started a family, and went into nuclear engineering. Yeah I know how does that happen, I dunno.
ReplyDeleteDo widzenia (polish for Good bye)
Anonymous ME
Yeah sorry its messy. And the google account won't work so I'll have to fix that.
ReplyDeleteOh and all that is me.
Anonymous ME
Wow. Someone was feeling talkative and had ample free time. I appreciate your encouragement. However, you completely misread my post. I believe 100% in free will and don't agree with pre-destination. I was simply saying that God designed us with a purpose and that is why he gave us the traits and talents he did. We have the opportunity at every moment to decide any and every detail (one's defined by choice) of our lives.
ReplyDeleteThis post (and all my posts) are meant as a way for me to think through things. They are by no means my final thought on everything. This post was me finding that positive encouragement and expressing how God always shows up anytime I have a moment of insecurity or vulnerability or doubt. The original post where I focused on not finding my purpose was just me in a bummed mood rambling. I am very content with my life and I am headed in a great direction. I have worked really hard to get to where I am at after making several mistakes earlier on. Life to me is a struggle and nothing is free. I value work ethic and pride myself in doing a good job at anything I work on.
The quote about "you can't be something you're not" means to me that at our core we are a certain person (which is always evolving and changing...hopefully for the better) and that to deny that truth is lying and fake. I can pretend all day to be someone different than myself, but that is not real. I believe that true beauty is accepting who we (flaws and all) are as individuals and then working to improve ourselves and building ourselves up.
And the verses about being somebody because God created me speaks to that moment of weakness when I doubted my purpose and wanted more fame and glory. I know that I will affect people's lives for the better and my purpose is to be the best damn teacher, daughter, sister, friend, and co-worker that I am capable of being. This matters and I matter because God designed me with extensive attention to detail. He spent time on me because I matter and I matter because he spent time on me.
I am inherently happiest when I am making another person smile or laugh. I believe that that genuine joy and contentment highlights my purpose. I am here to make a few people life and a few more smile. And that is a wonderful purpose indeed :D
Well, its good to here that your happy and now that I've read over what I put down it sounds kind of dumb. Sorry that I didn't quite understand what you were saying. It was just that I read one thing and my mind was thinking entirely on that one thing, my bad. Next time I won't act as such.
ReplyDeleteSo you know I like the star and night sky right. There is going to be a meteor shower this Friday and Saturday, but it turns out that the moon is going to be out and the moon always obstructs their view. It won't be as spectacular and if you live in a well populated area then because of the city lights you are not guaranteed to see them so you got to head out into the country(you probably already know this). They come from my favorite constellation, Orion, and they are called the Orionids.
So I gotta question, if I may be so bold as to ask, what is a typical day for you? I mean what do usually do when you are subbing, or when you are at school? Like what happens on you bad days with the children you sub for, and what do you do?(if they are bad) Do you think that the faculty and staff like you? You know expound on that sort of stuff.
Okay I gotta go, but thanks for setting me straight about the freewill thing an explaining what I wasn't understanding.
Catchya later
Anonymous ME
Don't apologize for what you wrote. I can see how you thought that and don't call your comments dumb...silly goose!
ReplyDeleteI love a good meteor shower! They are so pretty and mesmerizing.
Well I actually don't sub this semester because I am a graduate assistant and work so no time. Monday, Wednesday, and Friday-Sunday are for my job and Tuesday and Thursday are for school and graduate assistantship. I pretty much start at 8am in either place and go all day. School lasts until 8pm and work varies. When I subbed I got to read all the time which was phenomenal because I love books! I have actually gotten to teach several lessons at elementary schools this semester which has been really fun! I think the teachers liked me.
Have a lovely Wednesday :D
Wow, you're very busy! I guess you don't have a lot of time to do much in between school and work. Me I don't exaclty work. I'll volunteer at a youth camp and mow their fields, but if I need money I usually get it from my parents and I usually do other peoples papers. Mostly foriegners (shhh...all of this is confidential, and I'm not bragging). One time this Saudi needed a research paper done over the weekend. He did all the reseach, but it was for this movie, Amistad. He couldn't get the movie in anything but spanish. I couldn't find it without paying for it, but it took a while to finally find it which might have been illegal, I dunno. But it took like three days to put it together and to make it believable. He paid me like 80 bucks, its cheaper than on the internet, but I got him an A. This has been going on for a while and I'm getting tired of doing all this crap because its the same thing over and over again. So I think I'm going to quite at the end of this semester. That's propabley the most illegal thing, academically, I have done. I know its horrible, but during that time I thought it was cool. other than that I haven't done anything bad. Well, I don't exactly know if this counts as bad, but when I was in Sunday school we had to do routinal confessionals. You had to go into this room and kneel behind this wall thing(we didn't have the enclosed boxes like in the movies). It was like my first time, and I didn't really know what to confess. So I lied about stupid stuff that I din't really do. The preist at the time was really old, and you couldn't hear anything he said, but mummbling. Then he would pray in latin and thankfully I had a cheat sheet with me. When it was over I was glad to be out of that room. Now I know what to do and can properly do a confessional, but I still haven't confessed about that confessional. It just seems embarrasing because we have the same priest. He might remember me, and during Mass he refrences things people do. I don't want to be one of those people he refrences. Have you ever done something like this or "bad" in general? So how long do you have till you finish your schooling, and is it the same school you've always been going to? When you subbed were you reading during your break, or to the kids? Whenever you do finish school do you want to work at the school you were subbing for, or like back where you grew up?
ReplyDeleteGotta go, bye.
Anonymous ME
Haha I really enjoyed your confessional confession! I have attended one mass but never given confession and I know they often ask you to say a certain number of "Hail Mary's" if you've been bad. I have done plenty of horrible things...I was a bit of a devil child growing up and the streak still reappears every now and then. The first story that comes to mind is when I was in fourth grade and you had to have a parent signature to go to the ice cream party at the end of the semester and my mom forgot to sign my permission slip so I forged her signature. I got caught and got in major trouble and learned to keep a copy of her signature on me at all times so that I could do what I wanted. I had that until I graduated and it was very helpful!
ReplyDeleteI also stole a check from my mom because I wanted a seventeen magazine subscription and I only got caught because I signed on the memo line and the bank sends her copies of her checks and that one caught her attention. Needless to say I was grounded! Lol
I am graduating next December :D
I am really excited! I have been teaching at a variety of schools and I subbed at almost all schools in my county. Elementary classes I would read to the students and older grades and high school I would read to myself while the students did worksheets or watched a movie.
When I graduate I want to move away from Tennessee. I need a change of pace. I don't really have a preference of where I move to I just want it to be within 30 minutes of a large city. I am thinking North Carolina because it has mountains, beaches, and is still in the south. Who knows where I'll end up...that's kind of fun and scary to think about.
So have you already graduated school or are you taking a semester off? What do you want to do?
Wow, that’s funny. I never took you to be that kind of "bad." I wasn't ever a thief, and I could never forge anyone's signature. I think my handwriting looks sort of like someone who has a mild case of Parkinson's. What do you mean "that one caught her attention?" Naughty.
ReplyDeleteSo whenever you were reading to yourself, what were you reading? Like what are you favorite genres? Besides Harry Potter what were some of you favorite books? A couple of days ago I started reading Tolstoy's War and Peace. I got the paperback version because even it has more than a thousand pages; I think the hardback has more. I've only gotten to the fifth chapter and all that’s happened is this Lady, Anna Polvana, (might be misspelled) has invited all these important people to this "get together" they call a soiree. Anyway all they have done so far is talk about Napoleon. It’s really descriptive and the only problem is that some of the characters names are hard to say.
Right now I'm a Junior and no I can't really afford to take a semester off because only certain classes are offered during certain seasons. I'll eventually end up graduating the December after you, because of the seasonal class thing. After that I was planning on setting that world record I was talking about. I think about this thing a lot. I don't want to imply that by doing this it was all for a "world record." When I tell other people and my parents about this I let them know that it is for the "world record," but that isn't true. I don't really know how to explain why I want to do this, but I want to say that by doing this I'll understand and I'll have an idea of what the hell I'm supposed to do with this life.
Anonymous ME
It’s like whenever I'm on someone's roof watching the heavens. I can lay there for hours captivated by a myriad of stars, and just think hard about the things I've done, the what if's, the now what's, and then just things in general. Sometimes I just like to be alone and it to be quite, but that doesn't mean I'm a loner. I like to be around interesting people, but it’s the fake people that I loathe. There always seems to be so many of them wherever I go and I can never get away from them. It’s just that when I am alone the stars, and nature they're true. They speak a different language, and I'm trying to listen, to hear what they're saying. I guess that's why I like to read your words, and stories. I want to say you seem down to earth, true in what you say. Your very colorful, and seems as if you carry this aura of sincerity. I mean that you’re not deceptive or fake when you say something, you’re real and true. In other people you can blatantly tell that they are not being real with you. Ok sorry I’ve gotten off track here. I’m just saying that this outdoor thing it means a lot to me, and I feel alive when I’m under the stars or in the woods. But I feel like I’m missing something and the only way to find it is to go on this adventure. Now I know you like quotes because you put a lot of them up here; so here is one that always pops into my head when I think about this trip, “Not to escape reality but to find it.” Then if I survive this “trip” I don’t know I guess I'll try and get a job doing something with computers. Or I might have to wait and put that world record on hold and do something else. It all depends on what is happening at the moment. I'm kind of like you I guess I don't really know where I'll end up either. Maybe when the time does come I would have grown older and have changed my mind and thought this trip stupid altogether. But I hope not.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous ME
So how far have you gone on a trip or where would you like to go? Have you thought of what big city you would like to live near? Well wherever you end up I hope it’s where you want to be.
ReplyDeleteThe other day I was at the house and we were watching Oprah’s show Lifeclass, I believe it’s called, and she was talking about the, I guess, greatest moments during the show. Anyway she was telling about how one Christmas that the family couldn’t afford Christmas and about Santa. Then she said that on Christmas Eve a couple of nuns brought gifts and a Christmas dinner to their home. Oprah said that she was so moved by those nuns that she remembered not the gifts or the food, but that someone cared. So Oprah is known for given gifts, right. Well she remembered seeing how the children in Africa live and how that they have never experienced a Christmas, or never having experienced the feeling of knowing someone who cares. So she gave her Christmas up and instead decided to give I think 50000 children gifts. When they unwrapped their gifts it wasn’t the toys that they were ecstatic about, but more so the clothing. Anyway yeah I bawled, but it felt good. I mean I wasn’t a part of it, but it still felt good to see Oprah do that. Even though they were tears of joy I tried to hold them back, and sometimes those are the hardest. I tried to hold them back because I don’t like people to see me cry. I know its stupid and I don’t think that crying makes you weak. I know I’ve cried before just that this time I will always remember. But yeah Oprah got me to cry. Anyway have you ever cried tears of joy? I mean that actually made you feel good afterwards. It doesn’t have to be tears of joy. Sometimes it can be bad, and you can still feel good afterwards.
Anonymous ME
I love reading science fiction series like Dragonlance Chronicles written by Margaret Weis and I am a huge fan of anything related to WWII. I especially love books that focus on personal stories during that time period or the Holocaust because it was such a travesty so it intrigues me. I honestly really like most books. I have yet to read War and Peace. It’s on my list. I hate hardback books because they are so hard to hold and snuggle up with. A paperback book is more user- friendly and I am more focused when I am comfortable. I think the desire you have to accomplish the world record is reason enough. There doesn’t have to be some deep explanation other than you feel called to do something.
ReplyDeleteI love looking at the stars and that quiet. I really enjoy how you explained it. My favorite part is when you said, “It’s just that when I am alone the stars, and nature they’re true. They speak a different language, and I’m trying to listen, to hear what they’re saying.” I can really relate to that sentiment! And thank you for your kind words :D
Great quote! Quotes just have a way of summarizing the whirlwind of thoughts tumbling through my mind and simplifying them so others can interpret my true meaning and opinions.
The furthest I have been on a trip is to Hawaii. I am going to London this summer with my family and I cannot wait. I want to backpack through Europe, that is my ultimate travel goal. That and see Ireland.
Where is your favorite place you have traveled and why?!?
I hate crying because I view it as vulnerability which equates to weakness and I dislike being weak. As I’ve gotten older I have realized how healing a good cry can be and have slowly gotten over my childish idea that one should never cry. I don’t cry tears of joy or at least I never have. I love Dane Cook’s stand-up about crying because it’s so true…check it out: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AVrW3zat2To
Hope you have a tear free day!
Wow, I never thought that you would consider reading science fiction novels and WWII related stories. Well, I knew from what you've said that you were reading LOTR, but I just thought that it was because Tolkien was a great writer. Its cool that your into fantasy. When I was in like sixth grade there was this book Eragon that was about a boy and dragon. I liked those and I'm still waiting for the last one so can't wait for the epic ending. I've never even heard of Dragonlace, but it sort of looks like Robert Jordans' Wheel of Time series. Its pretty awesome though because I liked that stuff a lot when I was in gradeschool. I mean I still like it, I've just recently been more recently into the classics and stories about real people. Like Chris Mcandless and stuff like him. For a while I liked to read the short stories about futuristic stuff that dealt with robots. It just got too weird and confusing that I stopped. Some of the shorter stories were really good, and every now and then I'll go back and read A Brave New World. But yeah I'm trying to read the older stuff now, and I think that its wicked cool that you read that stuff. My younger brother reads a lot of WWII books, I've only read one and that was Night. There is another but I can't seem to remember what its called. It too is also about the Holocaust.
ReplyDeleteYeah, hardbacks are hard to hold but the paperbacks just seem to wear more easily. The War and Peace book is paperback and its got weight to it and the pages are like really thin. So when I try to read it sometimes the book will fall out of my hands. Everyone thinks that I have butterfingers, but its the stupid books fault.
When I was talking about that record, I was trying to say something in the relation with self-actualization and self-reliance. I don't know if said that clearly or if I was just making no sense. But yeah I was trying to say something like that, and in one of your posts you mention this stuff quite a bit, without actually saying it.
I've never left the continintal US. I've been two both coasts in one year. Thats awesome that you are going to London. What do you and your family plan to do just look around? Backpack through Europe thats freaking awesome! So do you have any backpacking or hiking experience? Do you kinda have a plan, or where do you want to go within Europe, everywhere maybe? I like Ireland, I come from a long line of redheads.
My favorite place that I have gone to is probably Big Sur, and Highway one. The sun was setting and It just looked beautiful we stayed in Big Sur for a while and they were having like an outdoor movie. The area is wooded and it just felt good there. Also there were a lot of Indians in Big Sur. They were really nice, and I don't know what tribe they came from thought it be rude to ask.
Yeah I feel the same way about crying, but I think I look ugly when I cry so I don't do it.
Dane Cook is a great comedian and I've seen all his bits 'cept for the newest one I think. I like his bit when he does the "Christ Chex," thats funny.
So I know this is off topic, but what do you think about the "Occupy Wallstreet" and all the other protests?
Oh and what are you dressing up for Halloween? I think that I might just wear a scream mask, one of the colored ones. Yeah so original.
Later Luara
Anonymous ME
My family and I are gonna just explore...our plan is to do whatever we want during the day and then meet up for dinner each night. My sister and I want to go drink at a pub and then watch a football(soccer) match. I definitely want to see Big Ben and Abbey Road and the tourist highlights and then hit up museums and just explore the city. My dream is to do Ireland by itself because that is where my family is from too(although we're not gingers) and just visit the county/area that my family originated from. Backpacking wise I want to start in London and ride the Chunnel to France and from there spend a month hitting up every country in the western section.
ReplyDeleteWhere is Big Sur, I've heard of it but don't remember where it's located. I would love to see the giant redwoods!
Haha glad to hear you are a Dane Cook fan as well. And pretty sure no one looks attractive when they cry.
I appreciate the energy and sentiment behind their movement, but I think that they are too broad and without a clearly defined message and purpose they are easy fodder for the media. I think that the group should have a goal that they are trying to obtain. I believe that 1% of the population controlling the wealth and therefore the other 99% is unjust and agree with the protestors in that aspect. However, occupying all these cities accomplishes nothing if there is no direction. What is their solution?!? And I respect protests because those individuals were obviously passionate enough to make a statement.
I am wearing a trench coat and going as a FBI agent. I have never seen a colored scream mask...does it glow in the dark?!?
Happy Halloween, don't have much time to say much. I'll try and get back tomorrow and write more.
Anonymous ME