Jeff had frequented Austin in his earlier years with his dad. His father was an electrical engineer for prisons and large facilities of that nature. Jeff used to go on weekend trips with his father to Austin to do electrical work for a large company called Human Research Funding known to most as HRF. This company provided a majority of the funding for research in the midwest area. They also helped to develop new innovations in cancer research and had a team of scientists at their facility.
Jeff loved those trips with his father. He doesn't remember much about Austin, but he distinctly remembers the direct route his father took each time commenting about how he had found the quickest route in and out of the city. Jeff also recalled his father's hearty laugh that sounded as if it came from deep inside his belly. That laugh was warm and Jeff smiled as he heard the distant echo fade away back into his memories for safe keeping.
Jeff told Skyler of the route he and his father had taken so many times and they planned to use that route and just be extremely cautious. Just outside of Austin they came across an abandoned shopping cart with four working wheels. It was risky, but Skyler convinced him to take the chance.
"Just think of all the weapons we can carry and food we can haul. We'll have stuff to last us for days, even weeks maybe," Skyler remarked.
"You make a good point, but I'm worried about all the noise it will make and that will attract death creatures. Well, I guess if we could find some oil to grease the wheels it would be worth our while," Jeff reasoned.
"Dude I totes phased out on you. I have some WD-40 in my bag. I used it to lube my saw blade back in Montana and grabbed it when this all started just in case. I never thought I'd actually used it," Skyler gleefully returned.
Jeff and Skyler set about greasing the wheels and loading up their new find. This shopping cart was turning into a great thing and Jeff's hope continued to grow. Within reason of course.
The two men, they were no longer boys, headed toward the big city of Austin with renewed hope and the comfort of having a friend. The route proved to be just as empty as when Jeff and his father would take it to HRF. Halfway through their journey and they had only come across the odd death creature here or there. Never any groups, only one or two stragglers met them at a time. At lunch they opted to sit and rest inside a bank. Their lighthearted attitude carried over from the morning and Jeff and Skyler played a small game of cops and robbers inside the bank. They were really getting into the game when a large thud brought them back to reality.
The thud was the bloody face of a death creature attempting to walk through the plate glass window. To their horror the death creature was not alone. When they looked up at the cause of the disturbance they found death creatures as far as they could see. Apparently they had come across a death creature feeding ground and didn't realize it until they were trapped inside the bank.
Well shit. I knew I shouldn't have let my guard down. We live in a time when our lives are always in danger and I was foolish to forget that for even a moment, thought Jeff.
(to be continued. . .)
View Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 or Part 5
Monday, December 10, 2012
Thursday, November 29, 2012
Move Over Mother Teresa
Momma & I rockin finger staches
Obviously we all know and celebrate Thanksgiving at the culmination of this lovely month. Tradition holds that individuals think of reasons they are thankful during the time leading up to the giant feasts. This month I am challenging myself to give 30 people a reason to be thankful when they sit down to their turkey and mashed potatoes this year.
My favorite working his stache
Each year as Thanksgiving rolls around I find myself extremely thankful for the vast amount of blessings in my own life. But this time I want to focus on others and how to make their lives a little bit better and give others a reason to smile and be thankful this holiday. November has 30 days and so I am going to do one kind deed every day this month.

Day 1: Gave blood to the Red Cross - More than ever the Red Cross needs blood donations to counteract the large quantity of cancelled blood drives and to aid those affected by Hurricane Sandy
Day 2: I volunteered to work at the Fall Festival of the school I was teaching at during my internship. I spent my Friday night encouraging little kids at the ring toss and being silly with the other 5th grade teachers and my students. I think it is so important to show your students how much you care about them.
Day 3: I drove my intoxicated friend home at 4am. I helped convince him to not get behind the wheel of his own car. Any time we can take those few extra minutes to make sure someone gets home safe is worth it every single time.
Day 4: Bought a pair of TOMS Shoes - This organization has offered assistance to children and people in under-developed countries by providing shoes and eyesight based on their one-for-one program. I even alluded to my love for Einstein by purchasing a math themed shoe!
Day 5: I donated "kicks" to the Red Cross, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, the AE Foundation and Live, Learn & Thrive. There is an app called Shopkick for the iphone that lets you earn kicks anytime you shop, enter a store, or look through deals for a store. The earned kicks can be converted into money to spend at stores, the gas station, or donate to worthy causes. I decided to use my kicks to give money to the Red Cross and to help those affected by Hurricane Sandy.
Day 6: Exercised my right to vote. Men and women have dedicated and sacrificed their lives so we have the opportunity and privilege to participate in our electoral process. Don't waste their efforts by being too lazy or apathetic to educate yourself and help make a difference. I also brought donuts to the volunteers working the polls this morning as a thank you.
Day 7: Donated clothing and books to Goodwill to help those in need. Goodwill's mission statement summarizes their intent, "Goodwill works to enhance the dignity and quality of life of individuals and families by strengthening communities, eliminating barriers to opportunity, and helping people in need reach their full potential through learning and the power of work."

Day 9: Have you ever had a teacher who changed your life for the better? I have. Mrs. Teresa Willis was my 2nd grade teacher and she inspired me on many levels. In her classroom she encouraged reading and creativity and celebrated my personality instead of being angry at me for who I was. I thrived in her classroom and she is a large reason why I want to be a teacher today. I wrote her a personal letter thanking her for everything she did as a teacher.
Day 10: Habitat for Humanity is a wonderful organization. I decided to spend my Saturday volunteering on one of their construction sites. Habitat gives families homes, but more importantly they provide these families with hope. I installed siding on this home, trimmed dry-wall, helped create the foundation for concrete steps and more. I actually worked with a woman who was getting a home of her own soon!
Day 11: My roommate and I had a dinner date tonight. I won 10% off the meal at the restaurant we went to and shared it with him. I also offered to drive. I know it is trivial, but sometimes just being the person to drive is a nice gesture.
Day 12: Donated a flock of chickens to a family in an underdeveloped country. This is made possible through Heifer International whose mission is to eliminate hunger and poverty around the world. This gift is inexpensive to maintain and provides food and a source of income for a family in need.
RJ & Bur
Day 13: Duke basketball is a huge love of mine and I took a roadtrip with my 2 best friends (Bur & RJ) to Atlanta to watch my beloved Blue Devils play. (And yes they beat KY...just saying) Since my friend drove I opted to pay for our event parking. I was sure to thank Bur for driving and let him know I was appreciative.
Day 14: Today I had a hankering for Krystals and so I used my lapse in dietary restraint to perform another act of kindness. I paid for the couple in line behind me at the drive-thru. Only cost me $6 but having been on the receiving end of the drive-thru donation I can attest that it boosted my spirits and I hope it did the same for the couple behind me.
Day 15: Another teacher at the school I work at was going through the lunch line and was $0.50 short of the amount she owed. I gave her the extra so she wouldn't have to walk all the way back to her classroom and out to her car to find the change. It is really simple things like this that we can contribute daily. A simple kind gesture can go a long way.
Day 16: I held the door for several people behind me after school. This was one of the easiest ways to be nice and is something that almost everyone can do on a daily basis. I love simple acts that can put a smile on someone's face.
Day 17: I Walk. I Give. To Help Kids Live. This Morning HB (sister) and I walked to help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital. St. Jude is an integral part of the West Tennessee community and does so much to help children. I spent a couple hours in the cold so that the important mission of St. Jude can continue to thrive.
Day 18: Clean the apartment. My roommate is taking a ton of hours this semester and as busy as I am. I am pretty neat, but he is relatively messy. I am going to clean the apartment and not mention it. The last part is the most kind. No one wants to listen to someone brag about doing something nice. I think the key element to successful giving is being silently selfless.
Day 19: Write a letter to my adopted soldier. Adopt A US Soldier is an organization that connects service men and service women to civilians in a pen pal format. Spending 5 minutes to write a letter or send a care package is a small way to thank those selfless and brave men and women keeping our country safe.
Day 20: I was at Walmart shopping and let someone cut me in line at the check out. They had fewer items and I had time to give.
Day 21: Food. Every holiday my Momma and little sister Em slave in the kitchen cooking up delicious goodies for the rest of our family. This holiday I wanted to let them have a moment to rest and enjoy the meal. I am going to cook for everyone in my family Wednesday night. This is a gesture that can cost as much or as little as you like and can be as quick or time consuming as you desire. The act of cooking for someone allows them a moment to rest after a long day.
Day 22: Happy Turkey Day! No one comes running to the sink when it's time to do the dishes. This is a chore that few people enjoy and I am going to take advantage of that. Getting my hands dirty while cleaning the dishes is an excellent application of Mother Teresa's quote. I helped clear the table and put away some left over food.
Day 23: Christmas came early and mi madre purchased an iphone for herself and my littlest sister. My mother is technologically challenged so I set up and showed her how to work the basic parts of her phone. I even added her the essential apps of facebook, email, ESPN, and cbssports. Now all she has to do is click the app, the passwords and settings are already in place.
Day 24: Sarah, my sister, is the mother of 2 adorable children and is an elementary school art teacher. Her entire life is surrounded by children. I am heading home for Thanksgiving break and decided to treat her to an adult night out on the town. (We are from a tiny town so we are limited) She really enjoys the Twilight series and her husband, Evan, would rather do anything else than watch those movies so I am going to treat her to dinner and a cheesy movie. A little break from the kiddos will do anyone good. And on top of being nice, I get the added benefit of hanging out with one of my best friends :D
Day 25: I brought the paper in when I got home so that when my parents woke up it would be waiting for them in the kitchen and neither of them would have to go outside in the cold to walk down to the end of the driveway to get it.
Day 26: Every year men and women selflessly stand outside in the elements and ring that little gold bell to help raise money for The Salvation Army. This year I decided to pause and drop some change in the bucket. Every little bit helps and this organization does so much good, why wouldn't they deserve my spare change?!?
Day 27: Heading toward my house tonight I was caught in traffic and noticed a vehicle trying to make their way into the long line of cars. I stopped and let them in front of me. This took literally 5 extra seconds, but saved that car from waiting for a while. It is the little things we do in our day to day lives that can add a smile to someone else's life and make the world a better place.
Day 28: Tonight at church a family was telling the story of how they were called to missions in Costa Rica and about the journey they would be taking beginning in January. This brave family of 4 are giving up the comforts of home to live in a small home with electricity only 4 hours per day. The church I attend was taking up a collection to provide them with a generator so they could have a refrigerator. I donated a few dollars to help this giving family have a small comfort in their new environment.

Day 29: There are 4 girls in my Reading Intervention group and we completed the book Earthquake Terror today, which they all strongly disliked. I don't blame them it was super boring, but I came in after the book was already selected so I had no choice, but to see it through. Today I bought each 5th grader a notebook for them to have and write in during this class period. I asked their favorite colors and interests so I can buy ones they will like. I also used this information to pick out a book they might enjoy more during our next reading.
Day 30: The Nashville Rescue Mission is a wonderful organization that I have had the pleasure to work with before during a benefit concert at Rocketown (also an amazing place) during an internship I had there. When I opted to do kind things I knew that the Nashville Rescue Mission would provide ample opportunity. I chose to work in their soup kitchen tonight and serve homeless men. I wanted to do some service where I was dealing firsthand with individuals needing help. I think putting a face to a problem makes it more real and helps anyone to want to do more.

"In this life we cannot always do great things. But we can do small things with great love." I repeat this Mother Teresa quote to summarize this November. After spending 30 days doing kind things for others I found myself looking for nice things to do throughout the day. I also realized that it is extremely easy to find ways to be kind. I encourage you to challenge yourself to one deed of kindness a month and see how much happier you become; to that I can attest. I'll leave you with several quotes by the selfless woman who inspired this journey, Mother Teresa.
"It is not the magnitude of our actions but the amount of love that is put into them that matters."
"If you can't feed a hundred people, then just feed one."
"We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do."
Sunday, November 4, 2012
Zombie Love Story (Part 5)
The fight had left both men exhausted and they opted to call it a day 2 miles from Austin. Since there was nothing but Highway 193 in both directions the two had no choice but to sleep out in the open, back to back, and take turns on watch. Before crashing Jeff offered, "Hey man it's a cold night, let's treat ourselves to a warm fire. We could both use a boost."
"Sounds good dude," Skyler chimed. They guys sat around the fire and spoke of better days.
"This reminds me of one summer in Montana when I was felling logs. Me and my buddy Josef were on this long job and our supplies had run low. It was mid-December and we got caught in a snow storm before we could make it back to base. We had to huddle at the base of this tree. We knew it was risky to start a fire, but that little bit of warmth bro made all the difference." Skyler reminisced. A look of sadness crossed Skyler's face before he cleared his throat and continued, "Anyway, the fire's a nice touch. I'm glad we have one."
"Yeah," Jeff contributed, "Hopefully this can become a routine when we reach the army outpost in Austin. Let's get some sleep."
"Hey Jeff..."
"Yeah Skyler?"
"Have you ever been in love?" quizzed Skyler with a far away sound to his voice.
"Once," mumbled Jeff, "her name was Elise. Now get some sleep buddy. I need you strong tomorrow. I don't know what I'd have done without you today."
"Good night Jeff."
"Night Skyler."
The quiet crackling of the fire affected each man in his own way. Skyler felt soothed by the whole white noise and faded into sleep. Jeff, however, found his mind racing once more with thoughts of Elise. This time it was a happier memory and so he let those piercing green eyes lull him to sleep.
He had ran into Elise only one time after the debacle that was Florida. It was fleeting, but he clung to this memory. It had been a couple of months after he had returned home. At first he had avoided Mrs. Millie and the bookstore because of the torment it had caused him. One day on his way home from work he realized he was there as his feet hit the doorstep. He hadn't planned on going to the bookstore, but his body had brought him here so he took a deep breath and climbed the flight of stairs.
Mrs. Millie smiled, "Hello Jeff. It's so nice to see your handsome face around her again. I've missed our conversations and that delicious jerky of yours. Oh and I have a good book for you about WWII as well. Come on in and warm up for a spell."
"Thank you Mrs. Millie. You're the best. I've missed seeing you, too." Jeff responded. It was true, he had missed Mrs. Millie's warmth and was remorseful he had excluded the bookstore from his routing. Just as he was feeling at home again, he saw those emerald eyes and she took his breath away once more.
Elise was gaunt and her frame was wispy and looked as if a small breeze would send her sprawling. They locked eyes and that was all he knew for a solid minute. She looked trapped and as if she dreaded seeing him. How could this hollow figure be his Elise, his green eyed beauty, his heartbeat? They sat together for only five minutes before she left him just as deflated and lost as on the beach. She had ovarian cancer. That was why she refused his proposal, that was why she fled.
"I found out I had cancer days before our trip. The doctor informed me I had only months to live and if I was able to beat the 95% chance of dying I would never be able to have children. I couldn't let that become your life. I wanted to spend our anniversary together and have one last beautiful memory of you. I couldn't bear the thought of you watching me waste away. You are meant to be a husband and a father and I couldn't give you either of those things. I could only offer you death. I left so that you might find life with someone else." Elise blurted out.
Jeff just stared at her. The words wouldn't come.
"I will always love you Jeff." Elise whispered as she kissed his forehead, tousled his hair and was gone.
It was a solid five minutes before he realized she had left. The first death creature was sighted the next day and the emptiness she had left him with helped him to survive this world now void of life and joy. It was the only kindness that she had given him in the end. He relived that last kiss and the last time she told him she loved him over and over again. Each time he thought of what he could have done, should have done. If only he had spoken. If only he had followed after her. If only. . .
A searing pain jolted Jeff awake as he rolled onto his fractured left arm. It was a new day and the day Skyler and he would scout out a route through Austin. For the first time in years there was a glimmer of hope.
(to be continued...)
Zombie Love Story (Part 4)
Fittingly they arrived at Sunset Valley as the sun gently graced the horizon and faded to dusk. Skyler suggested finding shelter within the local butcher shop. "There'll be lots of hooks, and metal tools we can use to defend ourselves. And the rancid meat should work as a natural repellent against the death creatures." It's good Skyler's focused thought Jeff as he heartily agreed to the plan. He needed to get his head on straight and put Elise and their memories behind him for the time being.
The butcher shop was deserted and the door to the back room was still able to be locked. Jeff and Skyler grinned at their good fortune. No windows and a lockable door, it was almost too good to be true. They decided to both get some much needed rest and be ready for the final leg of their journey to Austin tomorrow.
A crisp February morning ended Jeff's dreamless sleep. Skyler awoke to the sounds of Jeff donning his multiple layers. Skyler and Jeff made one last sweep of the butcher's shop for anything they might use and after grabbing a steel drag hook each, they headed for the door. Jeff led them around Sunset Valley and toward Austin with a clearer head and throbbing left arm. Both Skyler and he knew that the extra time it took to circumvent Sunset Valley was worth the minimized risk of not going straight through town.
Highway 193 was not as quiet leaving Sunset Valley as it was coming. Skyler killed his first death creature of the day with a meat hook through the ear and deep into the brain. Jeff killed the next two with his newly acquired meat saw and butcher's knife. They were stragglers though and didn't raise either man's adrenaline. As the afternoon sun warmed Jeff and Skyler through the biting wind, they were met with a challenge. A small horde of death creatures were milling about an overturned vehicle. Jeff counted twelve after a quick panorama. The vehicle must have crashed recently because it lacked the tell tell signs of corrosion.
As they neared the car, Jeff could see that the death creatures were devouring what was left of the passengers. Once death creature had a half-eaten arm with ligaments dangling from its mouth. Another was haunched over the lifeless corpse of an elderly man. Gruesome barely captured the scene that was unfolding. Skyler and Jeff looked to one another, nodded in understanding and strode forward to do their worst.
Walking parallel they reached the two death creatures making a meal of the crash victims and each put a meat hook through their eyes. Skyler broke left and faced three death creatures at once. He used the rope and ran a quick circle around the three before yanking the rope and felling the lassoed lot. Once on the ground he quickly hacked all three of their heads off before turning back to Jeff. Jeff broke right after hooking the first death creature and faced seven death creatures quickly encroaching.
The first death creature was met with a stiff uppercut and a butcher's knife through the underside of his jaw. Jeff was at a distinct disadvantage having his broken left arm splinted to his side. The next two death creatures were on him as he grabbed his knife. Jeff swiftly stabbed the one to his right through the eye socket. Using the lodged knife as a handle he shoved the death creature in front of the one to the left. This provided him with just enough time to wield his meat saw into they neck of the second death creature.
Skyler came charging past and slung his shovel into two death creatures in a row severing both their heads from their bodies. By this time Jeff had dislodged his knife and he drove the blade deep into the skull of the small of the three remaining death creatures. Skyler slammed the shovel broadside into the second, then third death creature. Jeff and he simultaneously stabbed each creature before meeting back to back and surveying the land. Observation showed that they had killed all of the death creatures. Skyler and Jeff both sighed in relief and went about gathering their weapons and repacking them so they could continue on toward Austin once more.
(to be continued...)
You can read the whole story from the beginning: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
The butcher shop was deserted and the door to the back room was still able to be locked. Jeff and Skyler grinned at their good fortune. No windows and a lockable door, it was almost too good to be true. They decided to both get some much needed rest and be ready for the final leg of their journey to Austin tomorrow.
A crisp February morning ended Jeff's dreamless sleep. Skyler awoke to the sounds of Jeff donning his multiple layers. Skyler and Jeff made one last sweep of the butcher's shop for anything they might use and after grabbing a steel drag hook each, they headed for the door. Jeff led them around Sunset Valley and toward Austin with a clearer head and throbbing left arm. Both Skyler and he knew that the extra time it took to circumvent Sunset Valley was worth the minimized risk of not going straight through town.
Highway 193 was not as quiet leaving Sunset Valley as it was coming. Skyler killed his first death creature of the day with a meat hook through the ear and deep into the brain. Jeff killed the next two with his newly acquired meat saw and butcher's knife. They were stragglers though and didn't raise either man's adrenaline. As the afternoon sun warmed Jeff and Skyler through the biting wind, they were met with a challenge. A small horde of death creatures were milling about an overturned vehicle. Jeff counted twelve after a quick panorama. The vehicle must have crashed recently because it lacked the tell tell signs of corrosion.
As they neared the car, Jeff could see that the death creatures were devouring what was left of the passengers. Once death creature had a half-eaten arm with ligaments dangling from its mouth. Another was haunched over the lifeless corpse of an elderly man. Gruesome barely captured the scene that was unfolding. Skyler and Jeff looked to one another, nodded in understanding and strode forward to do their worst.
Walking parallel they reached the two death creatures making a meal of the crash victims and each put a meat hook through their eyes. Skyler broke left and faced three death creatures at once. He used the rope and ran a quick circle around the three before yanking the rope and felling the lassoed lot. Once on the ground he quickly hacked all three of their heads off before turning back to Jeff. Jeff broke right after hooking the first death creature and faced seven death creatures quickly encroaching.
The first death creature was met with a stiff uppercut and a butcher's knife through the underside of his jaw. Jeff was at a distinct disadvantage having his broken left arm splinted to his side. The next two death creatures were on him as he grabbed his knife. Jeff swiftly stabbed the one to his right through the eye socket. Using the lodged knife as a handle he shoved the death creature in front of the one to the left. This provided him with just enough time to wield his meat saw into they neck of the second death creature.
Skyler came charging past and slung his shovel into two death creatures in a row severing both their heads from their bodies. By this time Jeff had dislodged his knife and he drove the blade deep into the skull of the small of the three remaining death creatures. Skyler slammed the shovel broadside into the second, then third death creature. Jeff and he simultaneously stabbed each creature before meeting back to back and surveying the land. Observation showed that they had killed all of the death creatures. Skyler and Jeff both sighed in relief and went about gathering their weapons and repacking them so they could continue on toward Austin once more.
(to be continued...)
You can read the whole story from the beginning: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
Saturday, October 6, 2012
Pride & Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen is one of my favorite books and last night I had the pleasure of catching the movie version starring Keira Knightley and Matthew Macfadyen on television. I enjoy the movie almost as much as the book. I feel a connection to the character of Elizabeth Bennet because I relate to her strong-willed attitude, sarcastic wit and ever present guard around her heart. She loves life and enjoys simple pleasures. Each time I watch the movie I am caught once again in the joys and torments her character goes through. I tense at Mr. Darcy's seemingly cold exterior and sigh at the little looks and touches he gives the oblivious Lizzie. Lastly, I laugh with joy as the movie ends looking in on Mr. and Mrs. Darcy who are sublimely happy at Pemberley. It is a treat to catch the movie on television, especially when my own love life is on the back burner. I don't want a love like Johnny and June; instead, I desire for someone to love me as Mr. Darcy adores Lizzie. One day I'll be someone's Mrs. Darcy, but until that moment here are some of my favorite quotes:
I declare after all there is no enjoyment like reading! How much sooner one tires of any thing than of a book! -- When I have a house of my own, I shall be miserable if I have not an excellent library.
I must learn to be content with being happier than I deserve.
There is a stubbornness about me that never can bear to be frightened at the will of others. My courage always rises at every attempt to intimidate me.
You must learn my philosophy. Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure.
Do not give way to useless alarm; though it is right to be prepared for the worst, there is no occasion to look on it as certain.
I cannot fix on the hour, or the spot, or the look or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun.
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Bella the Black
Challenge #11: Write a story titled, "My Journey on a Pirate Ship."
Seven friends embarked on a not so mystical quest to explore the seven seas. This journey begins with hardships and desperation as so many pirate sagas do. It was a bleak year in ArchipiĆ©lago de ColĆ³n as the hurricane season endured well beyond its normal terrorizing reign. Huts were destroyed and tourism halted as the seas raged over the typically serene island of Baltra. Citizens of this small nation had persevered through centuries of hard times and always prevailed. 2008 was proving to be more of a challenge than years past. As Baltra's hopes of redemption and revival blew away with the gusting winds, seven friends decided to brave the tumultuous currents and save their beloved home. I am one of the seven and this is our story.
I should introduce you to my friends and tell you a little bit about myself first. My name is Inigo (and no my last name is not montoya) and I am 23 years of age. My parents are of Spanish decent and visited Baltra of the Galapagos Islands on their honeymoon before falling in love with its quaint atmosphere and moving here permanently. Mechanic is my trade and how I met two of my best friends, Isabella and Alejo. They are brother and sister and we have been compadres since meeting at freshman orientation eight years ago. Alejo is quiet and extremely shy around new acquaintances. He has a passion for anything zoology related, which made Baltra the ideal location to pursue his career. Immediately following a bachelor's at the Galapagos Academice Institute for the Arts & Sciences (GAIAS) Alejo began an internship as a research assistant for behavioral ecology of Chelonoidis Nigra (giant tortoise). His sister Isabella is the exact opposite of Alejo. She is engaging and exuberant. It is impossible not to smile in her presence. If you saw her on the street you would never assume that she works alongside me at the shop. Isa's (pronounce Iza) specialty is carburetors, but she can handle all things car. She is also the love of my life.
Esteban is the fourth member of our group of seven and Isa's boyfriend. In case you haven't interred, she is unaware of my undying devotion. E is one of the coolest people you will ever be around. After five minutes in his charismatic presence if you don't walk away his new best friend then you'd be the first, including myself. From the moment I met him, I was instantly drawn to E and the ease he has about him. When not wooing companions to his side he works with Alejo at the national park as a ranger. Another park ranger and the fifth member of our crew is Tomas. Tomas is the class clown of the group. Immature antics win him as many friends as breed him enemies. He is an extreme; you either love and adore him or you despise him. Obviously we all adore his boyish spirit. Tomas leads tour groups through the national park and uses his humor to entertain and leave tourists ready to plan their return trips.
Speaking of tourists, meet Lola and Pascual. The two love birds complete the troupe of seven. Pascual and Lola have been married just 3 years, but they have love that will last a lifetime. Their infectious optimism creates the perfect atmosphere for running their bed and breakfast, Tortuga Bay. Lola is business savvy and runs the fiscal side of things and day-to-day items. Pascual is more inclined to focus on the big picture. This dynamic duo know everyone on Baltra and joined our seven after Esteban spent a weekend in their B&B during a particularly rough rainy season. E struck up their friendship instantly and the rest is history.
Now several years and many rainy seasons later, the seven of us are faced with the devastation that has hit Baltra and the conundrum of how to move forward. We decided to abandon Baltra and sail to Ecuador and take shelter there until a permanent course of action could be planned. Thursday morning came and we boarded an abandoned cruise ship to escape what was left of our beloved Baltra. This is the point where our luck goes from bad to worse. Sure, we started out promisingly enough. Our newly commandeered ship was sturdy and withstood the torrential downpours and heavy winds. What we didn't plan on was our encounter with Captain Greaves, first name Bella.
She didn't have a black beard, but possessed a black heart to accompany her dark-as-night curls. Instead of a cliche parrot as her companion, a raven crested her shoulder at all times. Pale white skin was the only part of Captain Greaves that wasn't ebon. Her band of misfits boarded our dainty ship during the night and we awoke in chains aboard The Black Swan. We soon came to call her Bella the Black. When you looked into her charcoal eyes you could feel your soul darkening.
Weeks passed and we had grown gaunt on a diet of water and the occasional cracker. Our muscles had but atrophied from remaining chained to the mast day and night. Bella and her crew went out on an excursion to pillage a small island and left a handful of crew members to monitor us. Using hushed tones and speaking in broken French we orchestrated a plan similar to a coup d'Etat. We weren't overthrowing the government, but overthrowing we were.
E began phase one of the plan: seduction. Even the blackest of hearts can be brought to life again with a sexy grin from Esteban. He started off small, offering to do chores for her until he had won his freedom as her personal servant. E serviced her needs on deck and in her quarters. Isa wept silently each night as creaks and moans could be heard from the ecstasy that was pumping Bella the Black's dark heart back to a flush red color. I whispered reassurances to her that Esteban was doing this so we might survive and that he loved her and no one else. She wiped away my consolations with her tears as her head sagged down on my shoulder. In those moments, as I felt the gentle wisps of her hair caressing my face I was intoxicated on her natural scent. I wanted to fall asleep with her next to me every night for as long as I lived. During these cruel circumstances where my world was falling apart, I clung to the feeble moments that kept me alive.
Just as the tormentous nights seemed as if they would become our existence, never ceasing or waning, a glimmer of hope was allowed to form. The ship crested over a particularly large wave and on the horizon was land. This land was inhabited and buildings could be seen lining the shore. To us it was a welcome chance at escape and to Bella and her crew it was a chance to pillage and plunder. We were both elated. And to everyone's surprise, and relief, Esteban suggested that Bella and her band of scallywags celebrate the upcoming pillage and get rip-roaringly drunk on grog. With all the crew members focused on how much rum was left in their bottles our quiet whispers went unnoticed.
We needed a plan. And thanks to E we had time to gather our wits and create our escape. The island was a day's journey away which meant the Bella would begin her invasion the following night in the cover of darkness. Alejo had been able to lift a small knife during an earlier beating and had it hidden. It was established that Alejo would cut Tomas, Pascual and his bonds tonight and be poised to cut ours the following night. The three men would appear to still be tied to the mast during the day. Pillage night we would wait until the majority of the crew was ashore doing their worst. At this moment Alejo would free Iza, Lola and myself while Tomas and Pascual thwarted the remaing few crew members and stole their weapons. We would quickly tie them up in our places. Now for the tricky part; we would don clothes from the captured few and take the last boat to shore. From afar it would appear that another group of Bella's party was heading to her aide.
Once ashore, we would act as if pillagers and head toward homes with torches ablaze. We would discreetly slip out of the raid and meet on the far side of the island. There was no way to select a meeting location. We just had to hope that we saw one another again. Esteban was to be found by Tomas (he was the closest resembling a pirate and would be able to get near E without being detected) and told of our plan.
Sun rose slowly over the fast approaching island and we had to force ourselves to remain dour and look the part of captives. Hours crept past and the longest day was coming to a close. Our plan was in action. Bella had become preoccupied with her raid on the village and left only 3 men to guard us. As their boats reached shore Alejo leapt to release us of our restraints and Pascual and Tomas attacked the three men left. It went by in a blur and both came out unscathed and with weapons since we had succeeded in catching them off guard. We headed to the island and no alarm was raised.
What we hadn't counted on was the angry villagers defending their homes against anyone they assumed was a pirate. We took off running in various directions. Lola and Pascual headed straight through the center of town and Alejo took off towards the East. Tomas headed Southeast toward Bella and where he hoped Esteban would be. Iza stood frozen until I grabbed her arm and dragged her West with me. I gave up the pretense of burning anything and immediately dropped my torch and headed for the nearest cluster of jungle. As we reached the edge of the dense trees I felt relief. Suddenly a glimmer of silver caught my eye and I reacted with just enough time to shove Iza away from the sword blow as it slammed down on my left arm. The blade left a four inch gash in my forearm. There was no time to consider the immense amount of pain; I could only react as I evaded blow after blow. Finally I was able to duck under his swing and grab him around the chest slamming him into the sand. From that position I was able to pin him and wrestle the sword free. Without thinking I buried the blade deep between his ribs. He breathed his last breaths as I picked Iza up from the sand and ran frantically into the brush.
It felt like hours but we had only been running for twenty minutes. Iza slumped to the ground in exhaustion. With the poor diet we had been receiving on the ship, she was struggling to go any further. Somehow I carried forward from sheer desparation or determination, I don't know which. Whatever drove me didn't matter as I draped Iza across my right shoulder and trekked through the night. At dawn I collapsed on the edge of the jungle.
"Inigo! Wake up! Iza, Inigo wake up!" I was awoken by the sounds of Alejo yelling and shaking us. We had survived our plight and Alejo was alive! Quickly I sat up and looked around for the others. Alejo was the only one there. "Where are the others?" I asked. Alejo said he had no clue and told how he had reached the tree line with no interference and didn't face attack until halfway through his journey when a large animal pawed him in the back. He managed to scale the nearest tree and wait until morning when his predator had abandoned him to make a run for the beach. Now what to do?
We had only accounted for surviving, we didn't make any steps for salvation. Iza had come out of her shock and began her recovery by ripping off my other sleeve and making a bandage for my badly cut left arm. She then ordered Alejo and I to scavenge for firewood and wood for making a shelter. The three of us created a makeshift hut before looking for water. Alejo had passed a stream and was able to backtrack to its location we drank our fill and headed back to the beach to rest and see if anyone else in our party had materialized.
Lola was dragging a lifeless form down the beach as we arrived. Pascual had been killed and she couldn't leave him to the animals to tear apart. Instead she drug his body 8 miles so he would have a proper burial. She was rigid and had bags under her eyes from crying the night through. Lola was unable to tell us what happened without breaking down so we set about digging a trench for our beloved Pascual. That nigth we held a funeral and decided to start fresh tomorrow. Something had changed in all of us during our journey leading up to this. We were numb. How could we bury our friend as if it were routine. We had become cold and calculated. As I faded to sleep that night I hoped that this wasn't to become our new reality.
Morning renewed my faith when it was evident that we were all affected by the death of Pascual and were just being cold to hold it together. Today was not the moment to let it go, we must push the pain to the depths and focus on our issues at the surface. We needed to get off the island and soon. The villagers that remained would not react kindly to us, thinking we were pirates. Tomas and Esteban were still unaccounted for. The decision to leave without them was hard, but we couldn't survive here for long. We unanimously opted to wait one week before setting course for the mainland. Iza had not been in shock as I first thought the night we came ashore. She was staring at signs in the town to uncover any clues as to our location. We were on Puna Island off the coast of Ecuador. Alejo lit up! We were only 25 miles from the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve. He had considered doing a fellowship there before settling on the Galapagos instead. He knew a friend named Rafe who was working there and would be able to help us out. Cheers erupted among the group when the realization that safety was so near.
We set about crafting our raft and collecting food to bring on our journey. Lola fashioned a container for stream water from plastic used to collect tree sap she found on several trees in the jungle. Iza and I began weaving palm fronds into a floor liner of the raft that Alejo were building. We settled into a bit of a routine over the next several days. Each day spent weaving palm fronds with Iza only strengthened the love and respect I had for her. She continued to delight me even in the most dire of circumstances. Every night I watched her cry herself to sleep and longed to console her. She was so strong in front of everyone else. I was the only one who witnessed her silent pain from wondering what happened to Esteban. I could tell that the damage he'd done by being with Bella intimately for so long was irrevocable, but she still cared for the man she used to love.
The night before we set sail had finally arrived and there was still no sign of Tomas or Esteban. Lola had finally told us how Pascual had passed away. She said they were lighting houses on fire and participating in mayhem to blend in when another pirate noticed her. Bella was the only woman on the ship that was part of the crew and he recognized Lola. Pascual told her to run and he'd follow her. She began running but turned back to see if he was with her. As she turned she saw the pirates jump Pascual and bludgeon him to death. She waited until daybreak and drug his body into the cover with her. She said she considered killing herself and almost did, but this little bird started humming above her. The bird was singing Pascual's favorite song and as Lola looked up the bird made eye contact and then flew toward the depths of the jungle almost beckoning her. She swears to this day that it was her Pascual helping her to go on and telling her it was going to be alright. Lola said she just began walking, following the sound of that bird until she reached our hut.
Fireside talk was about Pascual that evening and all the wonderful things he been as a friend and husband, all the moments he made us laugh and silly memories we had shared with him. There was a peace about our group as we said goodnight. I was feeling some semblance of normality start to creep back into my life. I was watching the fire die down when Iza crept beside me. "I just want to be held Inigo. I am leaving the man I thought I loved behind and I'm out of tears. I just need you to tell me it's going to be alright and hold me," she whispered. I wrapped her in my arms and told her promises of protection and safe travels. And when I was certain she was alseep I whispered softly, "Iza I will always love you," before fading to sleep.
Boarding the raft we were somber. A last farewell was said to Pascual. Iza left the necklace she always wore tied to a post of our hut. Esteban had given her the chain on their one year anniversary and she wanted for him or Tomas to know we'd stayed here. Rowing in silence we moved further and further from shore. We rotated who rowed and who slept so that our raft was always moving forward. Four uneventful days later and we saw land. Our joy was quickly snuffed out as we recognized the black flag flapping on the mast of the ship we had escaped less than two weeks ago. Apparently Bella the Black had the same idea as us to head towards Ecuador. Fate accepted we continued to row toward the coast knowing that retreat was death. We had no drinkable water left and had only the choice to continue to row towards our imprisonment.
Bella and Esteban rowed out to meet our raft. "Have you seen Tomas?" we all questioned E immediately. "I murdered the filthy rat as I am about to do to the lot of you," was his reply. How could E, our E, be so cruel? They took us back to the ship in chains our mouths still agape from the horror that E had uttered. We were lined up and told that we'd be walking the plank. Lola was first, followed by Alejo, then Iza and finally myself. The one privilege we were granted before our demise was an utterance of final words.
"It has been an honor to know the three of you and I am content with the years I did get to spend with Pascual. God have mercy on your soul, Esteban," stated Lola as she leapt to her death.
Alejo began, "Rot in hell..." But before he could finish his statement Bella and E slumped to the deck, both stabbed through with a sword. Lo and behold it was Tomas and the rest of the pirates. There was mutiny on deck. Tomas had convinced the crew that they were better than some woman who cared only about her love for Esteban and not the needs of the crew. They decided to revolt when Bella was distracted. What had really happened on the island was E stabbing a pirate that resembled Tomas. Tomas saw this and hid out amongst the lower ranking pirates to not be noticed.
But Lola! Why had Tomas waited for her to jump? Angrily we turned on Tomas until we paused long enough to notice the new Captain glaring us down. "I can't have anyone thinking I am weak and let civilians escape my ship," threatened Filipe the Fiery, "Overboard all of you!" Tomas winked and jumped the plank. We all followed suit trusting him to come through once more. What other choice did we have?
We were greeted with Lola and a rowboat. Tomas had slipped her a key to her shackles before we were made to walk the plank. She simply unlocked her chains and boarded the boat Tomas had left tied up to that side of the ship. Soon we were all aboard the small rowboat and watching our chains float to the bottom of the ocean.Iza was very quiet as Alejo and I picked up the oars and paddled with everything we had left toward the refuge that Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve offered. Our boat crested the shore at dusk and we crawled wearily up the bank and passed out.
Six miles later, we reached the gates to the Reserve. Rafe was still working there and was sent for immediately. Warm beds, cold water and filling food were provided. After resting for a few days we attempted to put our lives back together as best as possible. Rafe said there was work to be found for Alejo and Tomas if they wanted it. Both men decided to stay on at the MCER and continue working doing the research and entertaining the loved most. Lola couldn't bear to return to the island where her and Pascual had spent the majority of their time together. She felt called to instead return home to Machala, Peru and eventually she opened a bird sanctuary there.She never remarried. But she valued her friendships and it was only an hour and a half drive to visit Tomas and Alejo, a journey she made every other month. Tomas and Alejo drove to visit her the months between her visits. They remain very close to this day.
I wanted nothing to do with the old life I lead on Baltra and decided to make my way toward Monteverde and work in a mechanic shop until I had saved up enough to have my own garage. Iza decided to go with me to Monteverde. At the time I assumed it was because she would be able to get work there and would like a familiar face. It wasn't until one night about a year later I realized the true reason she had followed me there. We had been working late on a tricky carburetor and decided to grab some beers and take a break. "Did you mean what you whispered to me?" she quizzed me. "What? When did I whisper something to you?" I responded in confusion. Iza didn't falter, "The night before we left Puna Island you whispered to me. Do you still mean it?" She had been awake! The realization flooded me that she had heard me profess my love. "Well?" she asked after I didn't respond for several minutes. "Iza I will always love you," I whispered to her once more as i gently kissed her. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever tasted. After our kiss ended she leaned in and whispered in return, "Inigo I will always love you."
Eight months later we had a small ceremony performed on Puna Island. The preacher and three guests attended. And that is how my journey on a pirate ship defined the man I would become and the life I would lead. It was the hardest journey I have had to make and it caused me much pain, but without that pirate ship there would be no Iza and I. And our union has brought me much joy over the years.
Our once seven friends are now only five. Yet somehow there is still joy.
My Journey on a Pirate Ship
I should introduce you to my friends and tell you a little bit about myself first. My name is Inigo (and no my last name is not montoya) and I am 23 years of age. My parents are of Spanish decent and visited Baltra of the Galapagos Islands on their honeymoon before falling in love with its quaint atmosphere and moving here permanently. Mechanic is my trade and how I met two of my best friends, Isabella and Alejo. They are brother and sister and we have been compadres since meeting at freshman orientation eight years ago. Alejo is quiet and extremely shy around new acquaintances. He has a passion for anything zoology related, which made Baltra the ideal location to pursue his career. Immediately following a bachelor's at the Galapagos Academice Institute for the Arts & Sciences (GAIAS) Alejo began an internship as a research assistant for behavioral ecology of Chelonoidis Nigra (giant tortoise). His sister Isabella is the exact opposite of Alejo. She is engaging and exuberant. It is impossible not to smile in her presence. If you saw her on the street you would never assume that she works alongside me at the shop. Isa's (pronounce Iza) specialty is carburetors, but she can handle all things car. She is also the love of my life.
Esteban is the fourth member of our group of seven and Isa's boyfriend. In case you haven't interred, she is unaware of my undying devotion. E is one of the coolest people you will ever be around. After five minutes in his charismatic presence if you don't walk away his new best friend then you'd be the first, including myself. From the moment I met him, I was instantly drawn to E and the ease he has about him. When not wooing companions to his side he works with Alejo at the national park as a ranger. Another park ranger and the fifth member of our crew is Tomas. Tomas is the class clown of the group. Immature antics win him as many friends as breed him enemies. He is an extreme; you either love and adore him or you despise him. Obviously we all adore his boyish spirit. Tomas leads tour groups through the national park and uses his humor to entertain and leave tourists ready to plan their return trips.
Speaking of tourists, meet Lola and Pascual. The two love birds complete the troupe of seven. Pascual and Lola have been married just 3 years, but they have love that will last a lifetime. Their infectious optimism creates the perfect atmosphere for running their bed and breakfast, Tortuga Bay. Lola is business savvy and runs the fiscal side of things and day-to-day items. Pascual is more inclined to focus on the big picture. This dynamic duo know everyone on Baltra and joined our seven after Esteban spent a weekend in their B&B during a particularly rough rainy season. E struck up their friendship instantly and the rest is history.
Now several years and many rainy seasons later, the seven of us are faced with the devastation that has hit Baltra and the conundrum of how to move forward. We decided to abandon Baltra and sail to Ecuador and take shelter there until a permanent course of action could be planned. Thursday morning came and we boarded an abandoned cruise ship to escape what was left of our beloved Baltra. This is the point where our luck goes from bad to worse. Sure, we started out promisingly enough. Our newly commandeered ship was sturdy and withstood the torrential downpours and heavy winds. What we didn't plan on was our encounter with Captain Greaves, first name Bella.
She didn't have a black beard, but possessed a black heart to accompany her dark-as-night curls. Instead of a cliche parrot as her companion, a raven crested her shoulder at all times. Pale white skin was the only part of Captain Greaves that wasn't ebon. Her band of misfits boarded our dainty ship during the night and we awoke in chains aboard The Black Swan. We soon came to call her Bella the Black. When you looked into her charcoal eyes you could feel your soul darkening.
Weeks passed and we had grown gaunt on a diet of water and the occasional cracker. Our muscles had but atrophied from remaining chained to the mast day and night. Bella and her crew went out on an excursion to pillage a small island and left a handful of crew members to monitor us. Using hushed tones and speaking in broken French we orchestrated a plan similar to a coup d'Etat. We weren't overthrowing the government, but overthrowing we were.
E began phase one of the plan: seduction. Even the blackest of hearts can be brought to life again with a sexy grin from Esteban. He started off small, offering to do chores for her until he had won his freedom as her personal servant. E serviced her needs on deck and in her quarters. Isa wept silently each night as creaks and moans could be heard from the ecstasy that was pumping Bella the Black's dark heart back to a flush red color. I whispered reassurances to her that Esteban was doing this so we might survive and that he loved her and no one else. She wiped away my consolations with her tears as her head sagged down on my shoulder. In those moments, as I felt the gentle wisps of her hair caressing my face I was intoxicated on her natural scent. I wanted to fall asleep with her next to me every night for as long as I lived. During these cruel circumstances where my world was falling apart, I clung to the feeble moments that kept me alive.
Just as the tormentous nights seemed as if they would become our existence, never ceasing or waning, a glimmer of hope was allowed to form. The ship crested over a particularly large wave and on the horizon was land. This land was inhabited and buildings could be seen lining the shore. To us it was a welcome chance at escape and to Bella and her crew it was a chance to pillage and plunder. We were both elated. And to everyone's surprise, and relief, Esteban suggested that Bella and her band of scallywags celebrate the upcoming pillage and get rip-roaringly drunk on grog. With all the crew members focused on how much rum was left in their bottles our quiet whispers went unnoticed.
We needed a plan. And thanks to E we had time to gather our wits and create our escape. The island was a day's journey away which meant the Bella would begin her invasion the following night in the cover of darkness. Alejo had been able to lift a small knife during an earlier beating and had it hidden. It was established that Alejo would cut Tomas, Pascual and his bonds tonight and be poised to cut ours the following night. The three men would appear to still be tied to the mast during the day. Pillage night we would wait until the majority of the crew was ashore doing their worst. At this moment Alejo would free Iza, Lola and myself while Tomas and Pascual thwarted the remaing few crew members and stole their weapons. We would quickly tie them up in our places. Now for the tricky part; we would don clothes from the captured few and take the last boat to shore. From afar it would appear that another group of Bella's party was heading to her aide.
Once ashore, we would act as if pillagers and head toward homes with torches ablaze. We would discreetly slip out of the raid and meet on the far side of the island. There was no way to select a meeting location. We just had to hope that we saw one another again. Esteban was to be found by Tomas (he was the closest resembling a pirate and would be able to get near E without being detected) and told of our plan.
Sun rose slowly over the fast approaching island and we had to force ourselves to remain dour and look the part of captives. Hours crept past and the longest day was coming to a close. Our plan was in action. Bella had become preoccupied with her raid on the village and left only 3 men to guard us. As their boats reached shore Alejo leapt to release us of our restraints and Pascual and Tomas attacked the three men left. It went by in a blur and both came out unscathed and with weapons since we had succeeded in catching them off guard. We headed to the island and no alarm was raised.
What we hadn't counted on was the angry villagers defending their homes against anyone they assumed was a pirate. We took off running in various directions. Lola and Pascual headed straight through the center of town and Alejo took off towards the East. Tomas headed Southeast toward Bella and where he hoped Esteban would be. Iza stood frozen until I grabbed her arm and dragged her West with me. I gave up the pretense of burning anything and immediately dropped my torch and headed for the nearest cluster of jungle. As we reached the edge of the dense trees I felt relief. Suddenly a glimmer of silver caught my eye and I reacted with just enough time to shove Iza away from the sword blow as it slammed down on my left arm. The blade left a four inch gash in my forearm. There was no time to consider the immense amount of pain; I could only react as I evaded blow after blow. Finally I was able to duck under his swing and grab him around the chest slamming him into the sand. From that position I was able to pin him and wrestle the sword free. Without thinking I buried the blade deep between his ribs. He breathed his last breaths as I picked Iza up from the sand and ran frantically into the brush.
It felt like hours but we had only been running for twenty minutes. Iza slumped to the ground in exhaustion. With the poor diet we had been receiving on the ship, she was struggling to go any further. Somehow I carried forward from sheer desparation or determination, I don't know which. Whatever drove me didn't matter as I draped Iza across my right shoulder and trekked through the night. At dawn I collapsed on the edge of the jungle.
"Inigo! Wake up! Iza, Inigo wake up!" I was awoken by the sounds of Alejo yelling and shaking us. We had survived our plight and Alejo was alive! Quickly I sat up and looked around for the others. Alejo was the only one there. "Where are the others?" I asked. Alejo said he had no clue and told how he had reached the tree line with no interference and didn't face attack until halfway through his journey when a large animal pawed him in the back. He managed to scale the nearest tree and wait until morning when his predator had abandoned him to make a run for the beach. Now what to do?
We had only accounted for surviving, we didn't make any steps for salvation. Iza had come out of her shock and began her recovery by ripping off my other sleeve and making a bandage for my badly cut left arm. She then ordered Alejo and I to scavenge for firewood and wood for making a shelter. The three of us created a makeshift hut before looking for water. Alejo had passed a stream and was able to backtrack to its location we drank our fill and headed back to the beach to rest and see if anyone else in our party had materialized.
Lola was dragging a lifeless form down the beach as we arrived. Pascual had been killed and she couldn't leave him to the animals to tear apart. Instead she drug his body 8 miles so he would have a proper burial. She was rigid and had bags under her eyes from crying the night through. Lola was unable to tell us what happened without breaking down so we set about digging a trench for our beloved Pascual. That nigth we held a funeral and decided to start fresh tomorrow. Something had changed in all of us during our journey leading up to this. We were numb. How could we bury our friend as if it were routine. We had become cold and calculated. As I faded to sleep that night I hoped that this wasn't to become our new reality.
Morning renewed my faith when it was evident that we were all affected by the death of Pascual and were just being cold to hold it together. Today was not the moment to let it go, we must push the pain to the depths and focus on our issues at the surface. We needed to get off the island and soon. The villagers that remained would not react kindly to us, thinking we were pirates. Tomas and Esteban were still unaccounted for. The decision to leave without them was hard, but we couldn't survive here for long. We unanimously opted to wait one week before setting course for the mainland. Iza had not been in shock as I first thought the night we came ashore. She was staring at signs in the town to uncover any clues as to our location. We were on Puna Island off the coast of Ecuador. Alejo lit up! We were only 25 miles from the Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve. He had considered doing a fellowship there before settling on the Galapagos instead. He knew a friend named Rafe who was working there and would be able to help us out. Cheers erupted among the group when the realization that safety was so near.
We set about crafting our raft and collecting food to bring on our journey. Lola fashioned a container for stream water from plastic used to collect tree sap she found on several trees in the jungle. Iza and I began weaving palm fronds into a floor liner of the raft that Alejo were building. We settled into a bit of a routine over the next several days. Each day spent weaving palm fronds with Iza only strengthened the love and respect I had for her. She continued to delight me even in the most dire of circumstances. Every night I watched her cry herself to sleep and longed to console her. She was so strong in front of everyone else. I was the only one who witnessed her silent pain from wondering what happened to Esteban. I could tell that the damage he'd done by being with Bella intimately for so long was irrevocable, but she still cared for the man she used to love.
The night before we set sail had finally arrived and there was still no sign of Tomas or Esteban. Lola had finally told us how Pascual had passed away. She said they were lighting houses on fire and participating in mayhem to blend in when another pirate noticed her. Bella was the only woman on the ship that was part of the crew and he recognized Lola. Pascual told her to run and he'd follow her. She began running but turned back to see if he was with her. As she turned she saw the pirates jump Pascual and bludgeon him to death. She waited until daybreak and drug his body into the cover with her. She said she considered killing herself and almost did, but this little bird started humming above her. The bird was singing Pascual's favorite song and as Lola looked up the bird made eye contact and then flew toward the depths of the jungle almost beckoning her. She swears to this day that it was her Pascual helping her to go on and telling her it was going to be alright. Lola said she just began walking, following the sound of that bird until she reached our hut.
Fireside talk was about Pascual that evening and all the wonderful things he been as a friend and husband, all the moments he made us laugh and silly memories we had shared with him. There was a peace about our group as we said goodnight. I was feeling some semblance of normality start to creep back into my life. I was watching the fire die down when Iza crept beside me. "I just want to be held Inigo. I am leaving the man I thought I loved behind and I'm out of tears. I just need you to tell me it's going to be alright and hold me," she whispered. I wrapped her in my arms and told her promises of protection and safe travels. And when I was certain she was alseep I whispered softly, "Iza I will always love you," before fading to sleep.
Boarding the raft we were somber. A last farewell was said to Pascual. Iza left the necklace she always wore tied to a post of our hut. Esteban had given her the chain on their one year anniversary and she wanted for him or Tomas to know we'd stayed here. Rowing in silence we moved further and further from shore. We rotated who rowed and who slept so that our raft was always moving forward. Four uneventful days later and we saw land. Our joy was quickly snuffed out as we recognized the black flag flapping on the mast of the ship we had escaped less than two weeks ago. Apparently Bella the Black had the same idea as us to head towards Ecuador. Fate accepted we continued to row toward the coast knowing that retreat was death. We had no drinkable water left and had only the choice to continue to row towards our imprisonment.
Bella and Esteban rowed out to meet our raft. "Have you seen Tomas?" we all questioned E immediately. "I murdered the filthy rat as I am about to do to the lot of you," was his reply. How could E, our E, be so cruel? They took us back to the ship in chains our mouths still agape from the horror that E had uttered. We were lined up and told that we'd be walking the plank. Lola was first, followed by Alejo, then Iza and finally myself. The one privilege we were granted before our demise was an utterance of final words.
"It has been an honor to know the three of you and I am content with the years I did get to spend with Pascual. God have mercy on your soul, Esteban," stated Lola as she leapt to her death.
Alejo began, "Rot in hell..." But before he could finish his statement Bella and E slumped to the deck, both stabbed through with a sword. Lo and behold it was Tomas and the rest of the pirates. There was mutiny on deck. Tomas had convinced the crew that they were better than some woman who cared only about her love for Esteban and not the needs of the crew. They decided to revolt when Bella was distracted. What had really happened on the island was E stabbing a pirate that resembled Tomas. Tomas saw this and hid out amongst the lower ranking pirates to not be noticed.
But Lola! Why had Tomas waited for her to jump? Angrily we turned on Tomas until we paused long enough to notice the new Captain glaring us down. "I can't have anyone thinking I am weak and let civilians escape my ship," threatened Filipe the Fiery, "Overboard all of you!" Tomas winked and jumped the plank. We all followed suit trusting him to come through once more. What other choice did we have?
We were greeted with Lola and a rowboat. Tomas had slipped her a key to her shackles before we were made to walk the plank. She simply unlocked her chains and boarded the boat Tomas had left tied up to that side of the ship. Soon we were all aboard the small rowboat and watching our chains float to the bottom of the ocean.Iza was very quiet as Alejo and I picked up the oars and paddled with everything we had left toward the refuge that Manglares Churute Ecological Reserve offered. Our boat crested the shore at dusk and we crawled wearily up the bank and passed out.
Six miles later, we reached the gates to the Reserve. Rafe was still working there and was sent for immediately. Warm beds, cold water and filling food were provided. After resting for a few days we attempted to put our lives back together as best as possible. Rafe said there was work to be found for Alejo and Tomas if they wanted it. Both men decided to stay on at the MCER and continue working doing the research and entertaining the loved most. Lola couldn't bear to return to the island where her and Pascual had spent the majority of their time together. She felt called to instead return home to Machala, Peru and eventually she opened a bird sanctuary there.She never remarried. But she valued her friendships and it was only an hour and a half drive to visit Tomas and Alejo, a journey she made every other month. Tomas and Alejo drove to visit her the months between her visits. They remain very close to this day.
I wanted nothing to do with the old life I lead on Baltra and decided to make my way toward Monteverde and work in a mechanic shop until I had saved up enough to have my own garage. Iza decided to go with me to Monteverde. At the time I assumed it was because she would be able to get work there and would like a familiar face. It wasn't until one night about a year later I realized the true reason she had followed me there. We had been working late on a tricky carburetor and decided to grab some beers and take a break. "Did you mean what you whispered to me?" she quizzed me. "What? When did I whisper something to you?" I responded in confusion. Iza didn't falter, "The night before we left Puna Island you whispered to me. Do you still mean it?" She had been awake! The realization flooded me that she had heard me profess my love. "Well?" she asked after I didn't respond for several minutes. "Iza I will always love you," I whispered to her once more as i gently kissed her. It was the sweetest kiss I had ever tasted. After our kiss ended she leaned in and whispered in return, "Inigo I will always love you."
Eight months later we had a small ceremony performed on Puna Island. The preacher and three guests attended. And that is how my journey on a pirate ship defined the man I would become and the life I would lead. It was the hardest journey I have had to make and it caused me much pain, but without that pirate ship there would be no Iza and I. And our union has brought me much joy over the years.
Our once seven friends are now only five. Yet somehow there is still joy.
Thursday, August 30, 2012
And So It Begins. . .

I have been very fortunate to be assigned to the perfect third grade teacher to help me grow. She is energetic, open to new ideas and encouraging; but she isn't afraid to offer advice, constructive criticism or jump in when I'm in over my head. Going in I knew I would like my kids, but I already adore all the precious students in my class. Every single one has a sweet spirit and most disruptions are misguided energy or need of affection. Welcoming would be the word I would use to describe students, teachers and overall feel of my first placement.
Enough with the birds singing and now down to the nitty gritty. I am exuberant at the opportunity provided by this experience. I feel overwhelmed by the quantity of effort I am putting in to making this semester successful. School has always come easy to me so I am learning how to teach students who struggle or don't love being there. It is challenging, but I love it so much. For the past year and a half I have worked in food and it lacked any sort of mental stimulation. It is exhausting to have my mind functioning at full force again. Exhausting, but I am embracing every minute.
Monday was my first day to teach every subject. Now on Thursday I have grown and learned so much in just 4 days. Stepping in front of the classroom has defined my strengths and weaknesses more clearly. My overall feeling about my first week is positive. I faced challenges and overcame some. I failed at moments, BUT I strove forward and gained experience. Perseverance is a thing of value in my eyes. While I am not a savant, I also don't totally suck either.
Week 1-2 Lesson: Patience, perseverance and passion are the pathways toward achieving potential.
Quote: Success is the child of drudgery and perseverance. It cannot be coaxed or bribed; pay the price and it is yours.
-Orison Swett Marden
Thursday, August 23, 2012
Back in Black?
Challenge #10: Ironman & Batman get stuck in an elevator, describe in 200 words
"Seriously?!?" Bruce grumbled beating his fists against iron doors.
"Careful with the suit, bat. You should be used to the dark shouldn't you?" Ironman's retort echoed in the broken elevator.
Stark caught a glimpse of the irritation on Bruce's face, the portion you could see, as lights flickered. Why Stark and Wayne were in their body armor was yet to be determined.
"Why are you here in Gotham?" Wayne questioned Tony.
Mr. Stark responded, "I am intrigued by the astute intellect of Lucius Fox and have a meeting with him. I dressed as Ironman so he could examine my armor, but why aren't you caped? Aren't you known as the 'Caped Crusader'?"
"I prefer 'Dark Knight'," whispered Batman as lights flickered again, revealing he'd donned his suit. "Usually when Lucius has something for me it comes in black, not red."
"Sorry to disappoint," Tony smirked.
A distant whirring sound was accompanied by a jolt as the elevator began moving once more.
"Afternoon gentlemen," Lucius greeted them as the elevator doors glided open. "I wanted you both present because Wayne Enterprises has created what I refer to as 'The Iron Bat',"
"One question. Does it come in red?" quizzed the Armored Avenger.
Monday, July 16, 2012
Zombie Love Story (Part 3)
Jeff's arm was still throbbing hours later and the beads of sweat dripping down his face stung the cut above his left eye with each salty drop. Skyler was in much better shape with only a few scratches on his arms and neck from their morning adventure. Jeff and Skyler rarely talked because the highway was extremely dangerous. They encountered the occasional rogue death creature and needed to keep focused. They agreed it was better to be silent and watchful on this portion of their trek.
Normally Jeff used these long periods of quiet to think about how much ammo they had left, how much longer before they would reach Austin and compare different routes to the army post and potential dangers they would meet. But today he could think of nothing but Elise and the touch of her slender fingers twisting through his coarse black hair. How he longed to return to simpler times and their weekly meetings at Mrs. Millie's book store.
That store was where they had met and where he had fallen in love with Elise and her lighthearted personality. Their relationship progressed as all relationships do with ups and downs and transitioned from dating to living together over the course of two years. Jeff had planned a special trip to Florida for their anniversary because living in South Dakota one dreams of two things: an escape to any place warm and moving anywhere else.
Florida was sunny and splendid. It was exactly how Jeff had dreamed and it had reached the night that would change his life forever. He was going to ask Elise to marry him at sunset. He had prepared to read several lines from Elise's favorite book Pride and Prejudice and had been fiddling with the ring in his pocket all afternoon. He would start by quoting, "I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun," that Mr. Darcy uses to describe his feelings toward Elizabeth. He would then follow by telling Elise of how she transfixed him from the moment he first laid eyes on her crouched in the floor of Mrs. Millie's. He would give her a copy of Pride and Prejudice as their anniversary gift. Inscribed on the front flap would be the words, Elise will you marry me?
Sunset was approaching as Elise and Jeff strolled down the shoreline. In one hand they held their shoes in the other hand the held each other. As the waves lapped over their toes and the sun sank below the distant horizon Jeff dropped to one knee. Elise was never more beautiful than in that moment. As he glanced down to his pocket to pull the ring he heard Elise moan, "Nooo," instead of the desired yes he longed for. Despair clutched his heart as he slowly raised his face toward hers. But she was no longer before him. Elise was instead fleeing down the beach.
Jeff collapsed into the sand and clung to the sandals Elise had carelessly dropped in her haste to escape. Heartbroken and soaked from the waves he made his way back to their hotel to find their room empty and not a trace she had been there with him for three days prior. A note scribbled onto a torn sheet of paper was left on the dresser. A scrap piece of paper and 2 worn sandals were all that remained of his love.
The paper had lost its crisp feeling and there were many layers of crinkles from being stuffed in various places. But the words would be engraved in Jeff's being until he took his last breath. He reached into his zippered front pocket just to feel something amid the numbness that was his life after she left him. Two years had passed since that day and now the world was as dark as his heart and filled with death creatures. After giving Elise his heart and soul, body and mind all she had left him with was eleven measly words: "Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." What the hell was he supposed to take from that. Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy and the whole lot could die with his hopes, Jeff thought.
Angrily he crumpled the note once more and shoved it deep into his backpack. He forced his thoughts back to Skyler and their trip. Thinking of Elise was useless and so he thought instead of strategy and where he and Skyler would spend the night. There was still part of him with a will to live and so for that tiny portion he pressed forward. Toward Austin. Toward safety. Toward a new future. Toward hope.
(to be continued...)
Links to Part 1 and Part 2
Normally Jeff used these long periods of quiet to think about how much ammo they had left, how much longer before they would reach Austin and compare different routes to the army post and potential dangers they would meet. But today he could think of nothing but Elise and the touch of her slender fingers twisting through his coarse black hair. How he longed to return to simpler times and their weekly meetings at Mrs. Millie's book store.
That store was where they had met and where he had fallen in love with Elise and her lighthearted personality. Their relationship progressed as all relationships do with ups and downs and transitioned from dating to living together over the course of two years. Jeff had planned a special trip to Florida for their anniversary because living in South Dakota one dreams of two things: an escape to any place warm and moving anywhere else.
Florida was sunny and splendid. It was exactly how Jeff had dreamed and it had reached the night that would change his life forever. He was going to ask Elise to marry him at sunset. He had prepared to read several lines from Elise's favorite book Pride and Prejudice and had been fiddling with the ring in his pocket all afternoon. He would start by quoting, "I cannot fix on the hour, or the look, or the words, which laid the foundation. It is too long ago. I was in the middle before I knew that I had begun," that Mr. Darcy uses to describe his feelings toward Elizabeth. He would then follow by telling Elise of how she transfixed him from the moment he first laid eyes on her crouched in the floor of Mrs. Millie's. He would give her a copy of Pride and Prejudice as their anniversary gift. Inscribed on the front flap would be the words, Elise will you marry me?
Sunset was approaching as Elise and Jeff strolled down the shoreline. In one hand they held their shoes in the other hand the held each other. As the waves lapped over their toes and the sun sank below the distant horizon Jeff dropped to one knee. Elise was never more beautiful than in that moment. As he glanced down to his pocket to pull the ring he heard Elise moan, "Nooo," instead of the desired yes he longed for. Despair clutched his heart as he slowly raised his face toward hers. But she was no longer before him. Elise was instead fleeing down the beach.
Jeff collapsed into the sand and clung to the sandals Elise had carelessly dropped in her haste to escape. Heartbroken and soaked from the waves he made his way back to their hotel to find their room empty and not a trace she had been there with him for three days prior. A note scribbled onto a torn sheet of paper was left on the dresser. A scrap piece of paper and 2 worn sandals were all that remained of his love.
The paper had lost its crisp feeling and there were many layers of crinkles from being stuffed in various places. But the words would be engraved in Jeff's being until he took his last breath. He reached into his zippered front pocket just to feel something amid the numbness that was his life after she left him. Two years had passed since that day and now the world was as dark as his heart and filled with death creatures. After giving Elise his heart and soul, body and mind all she had left him with was eleven measly words: "Think only of the past as its remembrance gives you pleasure." What the hell was he supposed to take from that. Elizabeth, Mr. Darcy and the whole lot could die with his hopes, Jeff thought.
Angrily he crumpled the note once more and shoved it deep into his backpack. He forced his thoughts back to Skyler and their trip. Thinking of Elise was useless and so he thought instead of strategy and where he and Skyler would spend the night. There was still part of him with a will to live and so for that tiny portion he pressed forward. Toward Austin. Toward safety. Toward a new future. Toward hope.
(to be continued...)
Links to Part 1 and Part 2
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Mini Mustache Mimic
Okay so this is just a silly post to brag about how proud my little nephew Elijah has made me!! I taught the Booski how to make a mustache using his finger. As you can see from the photo evidence on the left he hasn't quite grasped the placement yet, but is close. I also brought him an adorable onesie (seen below) that has a mustache and says "Little Man" that is the coolest shirt ever. That was phase one. Phase two of my plan for mustache domination was asking Eli where his mustache was and teaching him to either point to his shirt or make a finger stache. On his own accord he had every member of my family go around and show their staches. This really cemented the concept in his mind.
Proud moment: Eli forced his mom and dad to show him their staches to start their day this past weekend that I was home. Then, as if he could make me prouder, Booski attended a birthday party and proceeded to walk around showing off his stache to the other little ones in attendance. He is going to be really awesome or really weird as an adult thanks to my influence. I'm rooting for the perfect mixture of both.

As you can see to the left, Booski's technique has vastly improved and he is demonstrating quality staches for photographic evidence.

I also got my Grandma and 2 of my sisters (Em and HB) in on the craze. The next step will be to actually draw the shape of a mustache on his finger so he can be a miniature and adorable hipster. Oh the magical day that happens!
Happy Mustaching to all yall out there :{D
Proud moment: Eli forced his mom and dad to show him their staches to start their day this past weekend that I was home. Then, as if he could make me prouder, Booski attended a birthday party and proceeded to walk around showing off his stache to the other little ones in attendance. He is going to be really awesome or really weird as an adult thanks to my influence. I'm rooting for the perfect mixture of both.
As you can see to the left, Booski's technique has vastly improved and he is demonstrating quality staches for photographic evidence.
I also got my Grandma and 2 of my sisters (Em and HB) in on the craze. The next step will be to actually draw the shape of a mustache on his finger so he can be a miniature and adorable hipster. Oh the magical day that happens!
Happy Mustaching to all yall out there :{D
Monday, March 19, 2012
March Madness
<3 I love basketball. I have been blessed to have 4 best friends and a mom who share my passion. This weekend Nashville hosted 6 games from the second and third rounds of the NCAA Men's Division 1 tournament and I got to attend every single one of them.
First a moment of silence to honor my beloved Blue Devils who fell to Lehigh and broke my heart.
Moving right along. It is only appropriate that Young MC's "Bust A Move" is playing on my Pandora station currently because many moves were made over this glorious weekend (Most were on the court, but quite a few were by Hunter on the dance floor). If you enjoy basketball I urge you to treat yourself to this experience in the future. It is magical.
Sunday was round three and I went with my Momma to this set of games. We got to witness Ohio battle South Florida and ended the night with a down to the wire victory for Cincy over Florida State. It was all around great basketball and every single game was close. I couldn't have asked for a better time.
I had so much fun spending 2 full days watching excellent basketball and hanging out with the people I love most in the world. My gorgeous Momma and my crazy and hilarious boys: RJ, Bubba, Bur & Hunter.
First a moment of silence to honor my beloved Blue Devils who fell to Lehigh and broke my heart.
Moving right along. It is only appropriate that Young MC's "Bust A Move" is playing on my Pandora station currently because many moves were made over this glorious weekend (Most were on the court, but quite a few were by Hunter on the dance floor). If you enjoy basketball I urge you to treat yourself to this experience in the future. It is magical.
Friday night I went with Bur, Hunter & Bubba and we decided to have at least one person cheering for each team to make it more exciting since all our teams were playing in other regions (or other tournaments, NIT Hunter, NIT). Texas vs. Cincinnati started off the madness and the battle of the bands. Hook 'Em Horns. As you know I have horrible taste in teams and my bracket now resembles a game of MASH, everything is pretty much crossed out. Cincy stole my heart with their colorful socks as seen below.
After the Cincy victory we watched St. Bonaventure hang in until the bitter end against Florida State. Bur and I were Bonnie fans immediately and memorized the team roster after browsing our program. We were feeling the double digits, 44 & 11, as well as Schmidt (coach). The Bonnie crowd was amazing because their school paid for everything if the students bought their ticket to the game. Bubba Girls were prevalent on their cheer squad so he had to love them a little even though he was rooting for Florida State. This game was so much fun because Bur and I made up stats and detailed information about all the players and were cheering for them by name and invented nicknames within 5 minutes of the first half. My boy Conger did not perform like he normally does and only got on the board from free throws until it was too late. But Bur's favorite Andrew was picking up the slack and with the assistance of Cook keeping a win a possibility.
The bands were a great feature of this tournament. I was thoroughly impressed with the tuba players of Ohio and the drummers of Florida State. They made all the timeouts and halftimes extremely entertaining.
We finished out the night by watching South Florida beat Temple and Ohio beat Michigan.

This picture highlights the 2 girls diagonally behind us that were the only downside to the entire weekend. Pretty sure they were 14 and one hundred percent sure I wanted to murder them. These squeaky bearcat fans decided that squealing/screeching after EVERY SINGLE play was a brilliant plan and were oblivious to the entire section moving as far from them as possible. Also, they were complete idiots and cheered multiple times for the wrong team, cheered even when the call went against their team, and knew absolutely nothing about Cincy. Jesus really tested me and tried to make me break my Lent promise of no alcohol with a tragic Duke loss on Friday followed by dumb and loud mice behind me for 5 hours on Sunday. Luckily I was able to hold strong and not give in to my temptation to drink or to stab them. I will count it as a victory.
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