Challenge #4: Things That Bother Me
I'm sure that you, much like myself, are constantly fighting the urge to burst into song on a regular basis due to our easy going and understanding natures. However, sometimes certain things set me off to the point that I fully understand the analogies pertaining to boiling blood and seeing red. Another way to take this challenge is to consider the things that give me the heeby jeebies (not sure if this is the correct spelling). Here is a list of a few of the things that really grind my gears or gross me out:
1. Incessant yapping of a dog/an infant crying: Whatever, judge me all you want, but I think of
all the ways I can murder the miniscule noisemaker. Barking doesn't really bother me, but when a small dog yaps in that high pitch tone for no reason other than sheer boredom I dream of launching it out my window. Babies crying are an instant irritant, but I have less evil thoughts about destroying them or sending them to the bowels of hell and focus more on not losing my mind. I just breathe deeply and try to think of beautiful noises like ocean waves lapping a shore, basketball sneakers on a gym floor, or children's laughter echoing down a hallway.
(Above: Daisy, she knows what she did)
2. Clusters: (I like that upon first reading the word you have to guess whether I am freaked out by or frustrated by the word) Creeped out to the point of a shoulder shimmy, grimace, and head turn is the case for this word. Now, hear me out, not all clusters bother me. I think a field of wildflowers is glorious. It is clusters of certain things. And what sucks is I only know after I've seen if it is going into the cool clusters category or the creepy clusters category (how's that for alliteration). Gnat clusters on an open cut or wound makes my skin crawl just thinking about it. Another is clusters of sores like you would see from disease, infection or a really bad case of acne. Okay enough talk about clusters.
3. Ignorant People: Now I'm not talking about loveable idiots who miraculously function in our world, but people who are close-minded and refuse to educate themselves. This is evidenced in the form of prejudice, stereotyping, racism, etc. I hate when people don't like something they have never tried or know nothing about. I think it infuriates me so because talking to someone with that amount of hatred is like talking to a brick wall. There is no reasoning with them, even the wall will occasionally hear you out.
4. Negative/Whiny People: This is something I picked up from my Pops for sure. Everyone has a bad day or gets whiny every now and again, but I am referring to the individuals who live in a constant dark cloud and want desperately to drag everyone else into it with them. I live on a rainbow and prefer the side with the pot of gold myself. A person who is always in a blah mood is miserable to be around.
5. Talking during movies: I hate it so much that I prefer to go to the movie theater alone than suffer through chatter during important dialogue. Comedies, go ahead and joke along with the movie and crack inside jokes with me throughout the film. Action movies, there is nothing really important so an occasional comment is no bother. Don't try to interrupt a serious movie or sigh and audibly respond to every moment during our cinematic adventure together. I will hate you inwardly and then stop attending movies with you. Yeah I'm ruthless. If this annoys you as much as it does me I challenge you to go to a movie on Sunday afternoon or any matinee by yourself and experience the quiet joy.
Okay, rant over. I hope this was entertaining as I was not in a bad mood while writing so hilarity was lacking. Anyone who has witnessed me actually pissed knows how truly funny I can be and foul-mouthed. Hopefully you will never see this side of me now that you are aware of what NOT to do in my presence.
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