Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Aluminum Chef

Okay seriously y'all, this was one of the most delectable, melt-in-your mouth, amazing meals I have had recently. AND, it totally came in a box. This is they type of meal where it is so yummy that your taste buds force you to comment out loud about they joy they are experiencing. After each bite I had to express to the universe the deliciousness that was occurring.

Usually during my one new meal a week challenge I attempt to make something from scratch; however, I saw this sitting in the middle of Walmart and bought it on a whim. I can only imagine how delightful a chicken pot pie made by your grandmother might be, but I'm pretty sure this would give Granny a run for her money.

The magical creators of said Chicken Pot Pie in a Box are Velveeta. They provide everything except for the chicken. Instructions are blissfully easy to follow and the whole meal only takes 35-40 minutes to make in total. (Half of that is just letting it bake in the oven) I'm urging you to seek your local grocer and give this meal a try, you will be glad you did.

Throw in a great beer and this is definitely a dinner of champions.

The final product :)

Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup
(Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly)

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