"Perseverance, secret of all triumphs."
-Victor Hugo
I love the simplicity and simultaneous depth of this quote. Often in our aspirations we set our sights high and when we falter it is a long drop from the greatness we'd hoped to achieve. However, flexibility allows for missteps when accompanied by perseverance. That drive to continue forward through rough patches is the only thing between you and your (realistic) triumphs. Obviously one can aspire for things beyond their control(I will never be the best player in the NBA no matter how much I dream).
My resolution journey continues forward and this time I am putting my happiness first and my resolutions second. They are after all under my command so they will gladly be flexible or I'll be rid of them. For example, originally I set out to cook a new meal every Tuesday. Too limiting. What happens if I have plans? Exactly. Instead of feeling like a failure I quickly realized that a more realistic triumph would be to cook something new and exciting once per week. This provides 21 meals I can choose from for my Piéce de Résistance each week.

It was extremely hearty and delicious. A real quick meal to make, but completely fulfilling and can feed a large number of people for fairly cheap!
Other resolutions. Don't worry I didn't forget; I'm not going to do ONLY food posts. I have joined a gym and I went and worked out tonight for an hour. I also ran a couple miles Sunday evening. Half-marathon here I come.
Reading is also going really well, as was to be expected. I have started reading The Book Thief by Markus Zusak. If you have a chance to go see the film please do; the little girl who stars in the film is magical to watch and phenomenal as an actress. *Warning: Highly depressing film
Lastly, I tried out Sunday schools yesterday and my church and it went swimmingly. I met two other girls doing the same thing and we became fast friends. They are so incredibly nice and I am excited about getting to know them and all the other delightful people I met much better. I was very fortunate that my church has just begun an after college Sunday school so I am among my brethren and not the whatever number wheel to all the couples classes.
All in all, I have had a delightful first of the year and I am really excited to see what adventures this year has in store for me. I promise to persevere through them all so I can dance around in celebration of my triumphs. May you reach your triumphs and persevere through any hardships!
Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup
(Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly)
go girl. dad.
ReplyDeleteLove following your blog. This quote sums up so much perfect for life. :-) amber