Roll-Up Ingredients:
-2 packages of crescent rolls
-2-3 tbsp of sour cream
-1 can of Cream of Chicken
-Chicken breasts (pre-cooked and shredded)
-Cheddar cheese
-Paprika & Parsley
The first step is to combine the Cream of Chicken w/ a large dollop of sour cream and several dashes of both paprika and parsley. Add salt and pepper to your taste. My Momma's recipe has onions in it, but I would change that to onion flavoring or none at all because the onions are very crisp and I didn't like the texture profiles contrasting each other so starkly.
Anywho, you lay out the crescents flat and add chicken and a dab of sauce. Roll the crescents up and add a good amount of sauce on top. I decided to attempt half of my rolls with cheddar cheese since I had some extra.
You then place the pan in an oven preheated to 350'F for 25-30 minutes or until golden brown. After tasting the rolls with cheddar and without I was unanimously in favor of the roll-ups sans cheddar. The cheddar didn't taste bad, but it muted the flavor of the sauce. Without the cheese present I could really enjoy the the chicken roll-ups much better.

Chicken Parmesan Ingredients:
-1/2 cup of milk
-1 egg

-Olive Oil
-Your choice of red pasta sauce
-Mozzarella cheese
-Chicken breasts

place your chicken in a baking dish and put a layer of mozzarella on top. Layer on a generous amount of your chosen pasta sauce, followed by another layer of mozzarella.

While the chicken is cooking I boiled water and cooked my vermicelli to accompany the dish. This only takes about 6-7 minutes so you can wait and have both done at the same time. Once you remove your chicken parmesan from the oven, you place it over a bountiful amount of vermicelli. You could use spaghetti as well, but I like the thinner noodles for this.
What I chose to do is only cook 1 chicken breast (since it's just me eating) and use the remaining noodles and pasta sauce for meals throughout the week. I kept the sauce in its original container in the fridge and put the noodles in tupperware. This way I am able to add olive oil, pasta sauce, and different toppings to my noodles each meal to vary up the flavors.
This dish was extremely tender and juicy and easy to make as well. If you are looking to impress that special someone or show off for your family and friends this is your ticket. Minimal prep time and all you need to add is a salad and some garlic bread and your feast is made.
Mangez bien, riez souvent, aimez beaucoup
(Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly)
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