Monday, November 1, 2010

Washington D.C.

Wow, where do I even begin? I just experienced one of the most fun weekend adventures of my life and there is so much to share. I'll only include part of the excitement so as to preserve space and time. This trip came about very randomly; I was so hyped when Jon Stewart announced his rally and Stephen Colbert followed with his march announcement. My little heart was aflutter. Then my bestie, Maegers, said she'd always wanted to go back to D.C. to enjoy an adult perspective of the history within this city. I eagerly accepted her as my travel partner and more so, partner in crime.

Our adventure began early Thursday morning (about 6am) and if you know anything about me, you realize this is pretty much 4 to 6 hours before my average wake up time. None the less, I was pumped and ready to go. We arrived in the capitol around 11 and met our great and gracious friend, Jessie, for a quick bite to eat before heading to her house to drop off our luggage, change into dresses (it was 78 degrees), and trek to the ZOO. I do love a good zoo regardless of the city. After the zoo, we toured Georgetown and Dupont for a few hours. In Dupont there was a really neat bookstore/bar/restaurant and one of the most brilliant ideas I've ever heard of, if I do say so myself. I loved it so much, probably because books and beer are two of my favorite things!

Friday was our official tourist day. We woke up extra early to avoid the crowds and shivered our way from monument to monument. The highlight of my morning had to be the Albert Einstein Memorial. I am a huge fan of his and love anything to do with him.
After hanging out and chatting about relativity for a bit, we moved onward to the museums. The Museum of National History was my favorite, but they were all enjoyable. We concluded the day by meeting up with our friends, Will, Jade, and Zach, for some delicious pizza at We the Pizza (amazing food and beer on Pennsylvania Avenue). If you are ever in the area, you should make the trip to this place for deliciously cheap pizza.

Saturday was RALLY DAY and a most glorious day. We headed to the Rally to Restore Sanity and/or Fear and enjoyed all the fun and creative signs and costumes while waiting for it to begin. The rally was filled with tons of great guests and loads of hilarity. My favorite part was the intense debate toward the end that resulted in Colbert melting and being drug off stage by John Oliver. Overall, it was one of my favorite events and Sir Dr. Stephen T. Colbert D.F.A. estimated a crowd of around 6 billion in attendance. At the end, Stewart gave a sincere and nicely articulated speech. His sentiment really summarized the importance of each individual and the intention of the rally, which was to encourage average, everyday people to get out and take responsibility. We have the power to change the channel, go to the polls and vote, and take an active roll in our country. Also, to not be a douche. That was the essential message. After waiting for the mass exodus to mellow out, we headed to Union Station for a scenic dinner and then hopped on the metro to relax and catch some z's.

Sunday funday was for travel. Our early flight touched down in Atlanta and then we headed our separate ways. I to Murfreesboro and Maegsy to Athens. My drive back was filled with great music, windows down, and beautiful weather. I had a wonderful weekend and would recommend D.C. as a great and inexpensive vacation spot to any and everyone. I'll end with a poignant quote from the rally:

"If we amplify everything, we hear nothing."
-Jon Stewart

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