Challenge #3: I once had a scary dream...

Okay so this picture isn't scary, but my nephew Elijah is just too stinking cute not to include and it is relevant because he is wearing a skeleton costume and it's scary how adorable the little Booski is, right?!?
Anywho, back to the challenge of telling you about having a scary dream. I have a horrible memory and that carries over into my REM cycle. I remember maybe 3 dreams a year, if that. This nightmare I had was when I was around 8 years old. My sister Sarah (she's the pretty momma in the photo to the left) and I shared a room and we had a bathroom in our room. My little sisters Hannah and Emma were down the hall and you had to walk through the den to get to my parent's bedroom (this is relevant to the dream).
So as I was saying, the dream picks up with me asleep in bed and awakening to notice that Sarah isn't in her bed. So I go to our bathroom to see if she's in there and I meet a giant alligator instead of my petite sister. I instantly switch to crisis mode and sprint to my parent's room to find they aren't there either. Then remembering HB and Em I run to their bedroom and it is empty as well. I can see the gator coming out of my bedroom and I dash back to my parent's dark room.
Suddenly, I am sitting and sobbing in the ashen remains of what used to be my house. I can't explain the logic but I went from running away from an alligator to sitting in a heap where my parent's bed used to be after a fire burned my entire house down to the ground. Then the downpour hits and I am drenched, crying hysterically, and staring at the debris surrounding me. That is the moment I woke up. I was so elated that it wasn't real and when I looked over to Sarah's bed, she was in it and sleeping soundly.
That is the only scary dream I remember from my childhood and I guess when I have nightmares I go for more of the soul crushing fear than your typical monster scare. I still don't trust alligators, but what's to be expected.
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